III: Aspen

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"Mommy what princess are you gonna be?" Ana ask me as she pushes up the purple tull on the sides of her dress in her attempt to make it fluffier

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"Mommy what princess are you gonna be?" Ana ask me as she pushes up the purple tull on the sides of her dress in her attempt to make it fluffier. I watch her through the mirror on my vanity that I'm sat at, she's looking down and once she is satisfied with the fluffiness of her dress, she begins to twirl around.

"Uhm, I'm not sure yet, babygirl, but why don't you come over here." I say to her, I pulled out my eyeshadow palette, that I haven't touched in months. She waddles her way over to me, careful not to step on her dress and I haul her onto my lap once she reaches me. Reaching around her I click open the make-up and watch her reaction in the mirror, her mouth agape, showing off her loose tooth that is now proding outwards due to her pressing her tongue against it. Her bright blue eyes are filled with joy as I turn her in my arms and ask her to close her eyes. Dabbing the brush into the dark glittery purple color I begin to apply it to the lids of her eyes, a smile playing on her lips the entire time. I admire her features, her freckles are prominent against her pale skin, a contrast she is much too young to appreciate. Before spinning her I run the brush across her cheeks to add a glitter effect to her cheekbones. "Annnd done." I tell placing the brush in front of us on the vanity and spinning her in my arms once again.

"Mommy, I look beautiful!" She tells me, her cheeks tinting a red color, naturally and I feel a smile break onto my face, the kind that makes your eyes crinkle at the sides. She hops off of my lap and makes her way over to my closet, as I join her she's already tugging on a dress. It was one I had splurged on for decoration more than wearing. It was low cutting and had buttons down the entire front of it. The floral print was a burnt red and brown against the off-white background, the top tight fitting while the skirt flowed down to the floor. "Oh my gosh, Mommy! This is perfect!" Ana squealed while attempting to rip it from its place on the rack, her brown curls bouncing with her movements.

"I'm not sure, baby." I'm gnawing on the bottom of my lip as I push it away from my other clothes that shield it, my fingers running over the pearl snap buttons on the front. I narrowed my eyes as Ana whined softly in her attempt to push me in the direction of wearing it.

"Please Momma, oh you'd look so pretty!" Her tone is convincing and I'm suddenly stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Just for you, Ana." I pull the dress from its place and walk into my full length mirror, placing it against my robe-clad skin and appreciating my appearance. I pull at the buttons so that it's opened and I'm able to slip it on, I quickly slip out of my robe and re-do the buttons.

Ana release a gasp, "You look like the prettiest girl at the ball!" A smile breaks out onto my lips, matching the one Ana wears and I entertain her with a twirl of my own to which she claps. The dress hugs my curves in all the right places, I return back to my vanity and layer on a few coats of waterproof mascara. My Ana is turning the big five today, I'm only taking precaution. I hear a the doorbell reverberate throughout the entirety of the house and shrug it off as Braxton is downstairs; Ana's seated on my bed and flattening down the fluff she had just tried so hard to liven up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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