Chapter 30-Together till the End

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Foxy's POV

"The Sunset is so pretty" Mangle sighs, leaning up against me. I smile and nod. We're sitting at the edge of the pond with our feet in the water, staring at the sunset. We occasionally sneak glances at Blue and Spring, who went on the double date with us. There feeding ducks, and holding hands a lot. I bet by next Friday, they'll be dating. Lolbit already has a ship name for them. i have to say, I think Spring has finally found his soul mate. And I have mine. 

"I love you, Mangle." I whisper into her ear, pulling her so our noses are touching.

"I Love you too, Foxy" She responds, looking into my eye. We sit there for a bit, staring at each other. We separate when we get soaking wet.

"Wake up lovebirds!" Spring yells in my ear

"ITS ICE CREAM TIME!!" Blue yells in a sing-song voice in Mangles ear.

"Ok, ok! We're coming, Springtail" I tease, laughing. They both go beet red as I help Mangle up. We walk together, shoving and teasing the whole way. When we arrive, Mangle and Blue grab a table while Spring and I order the food. We get a Sweet Strawberry for Mangle, a Bubbly Blueberry for Blue, Vigilant Vanilla for Spring, and Cuckoo Chocolate for me. We get the orders and bring them to the table. Mangle and Blue practically inhale the ice cream, shrieking over and over because of brain freeze. Me and Spring keep laughing, so by the time Blue and Mang are done, we still have half of our ice cream to eat.


"HURRY UP WE'LL MISS THE STARS!" Mangle groans. We finish, then walk back to the park to stargaze for a bit. Me and Mangle lay out our blanket and lean on each other. We point out constellations, and look over to see how Spring and Blue are doing. Blue is leaning on Spring, holding his hand, while Spring is resting his head on hers. They are full on cuddling and they dont care who sees. Mangle takes a quick pic for Lolbit's ship book. She has about 15 pages of Fangle, 10 pages of Toy Bonnica, and has a couple of Bonnie and Chica. Then we go back to stargazing. 

"Im so glad im looking at the stars with you, Mangle." I sigh softly, hugging her.

"Me too. I love you now, and will forever." She grabs my shirt collar and pulls me in for a kiss. Everything fades. Just me and her, under the stars, being side by side, till the end.

Hey guys. Sorry for short chapter, but I wanted to make the ending Short and Sweet, ya know? Thank you to all the awesome people who let me use there OC's in this book. I had so much fun writing this, and hope you guys liked reading this. So, this is the end! Love you all!

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