Stars (Hajime Hinata x fem! Reader)

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I stumbled through the dark.
The stars where shining bright -as always- and only the faint sound of waves and my steps could be heard echoing through the night.
My eyes were stinging terribly but I held back the tears with all my might. I couldn't start crying. I couldn't show weakness. Not now. Not ever.
My feet carried me to the beach. I sat down in the sand. I let my fingers run through it, watching the lines that formed in the sand. It was calming, in a sense. I started doing it more and more frantically. At this point I was practically burying my fingers in the sand.
A dry sob escaped my mouth. Why? Why was I even on this stupid island? Why me? Why did it have to be a killing game? Twister would've been just fine!
Defeated I stopped harassing the sand. My arms were covered in dirt. I crawled towards the ocean and splashed my arms with water. It was cold, but incredibly soothing.
I decided to hold my feet in the water. I didn't bother undressing. I watched my shoes and tights getting soaked with the cold water. Every other wave reached up to my knee.
The water was incredibly uncomfortable. It was freezing, especially combined with the cool air of the night. But I welcomed it. It gave me something else to focus on. Something, that wasn't the cold, mutilated corps of one of my classmates. One of my friends. Friends... where we even friends? We didn't trust each other. We couldn't trust each other. Eventually we'd kill each other. Not an exactly great base for friendships. It's not that I didn't try. I did. I tried befriending Ibuki. And Mahiru. And Mikan. And Peko. And now... they were dead. All of them. Friendship hadn't helped me. It just made each trial and each day hurt more.

The sound of footsteps interrupted my train of thought. I froze. Was that someone coming to kill me? Was this it? I panicked. But when I turned around, it was Hajime who was standing there. His green eyes where watching me so closely that for a second my heart picked up speed again. He sat down next to me.
"Aren't you cold?" He asked, concerned.
Silence. I was cold. As that hit me, I pulled my legs out of the water. My skin was probably red and irritated underneath the fabric. My legs stung incredibly as they started to slowly warm up.
"We're never going to escape, are we?" I whispered. Hajime looked at me with a shocked expression.
"Of course we're gonna escape!"
"No. No we're not. It's like... no matter how much we try, no matter how often, all that awaits is just despair. We try to keep going but eventually we die. One after another" ,the words came spilling out of me and my voice picked up pace as I kept talking, "It's irrelevant what might await us, if we do manage to escape. What happened here still happened" Silence.
"'re right. Even if we do escape, that doesn't change what happened. But you can't give up hope" his voice was stern and he looked straight into my eyes. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't.
"We can't change the past, but we can change the future! We have to escape, for everyone who has died so far!  All they wanted is to escape, but they couldn't. So we'll have to! For them!" ,he grabbed my shoulders, "You can't give up, you hear me?"
Now tears started rolling down my face. I couldn't help it. More and more dripped down on my hands. Hajime hesitated for a second, then he pulled me into a hug. Slowly I wrapped my arms around him. Then I started clinging to him for my dear life. I sobbed into his shirt and cried my heart out.

When I had calmed down Hajime still hadn't let go of me. I didn't mind. I felt safe in his embrace. It felt, like his arms were the only thing holding me up. He had begun to gently stroke my hair.
"..." silently I stared into the night. Then I said something, I thought I'd never admit to anyone ever again.
"I'm scared"
"I know. It's fine. We're gonna escape"
"It's not that." ,reluctantly I pulled away to look at him, "Even if we do, I have no where to go."
He looked at me, surprised. He was quiet for a while, but then he spoke up again.
"You can come to me"
I blinked in surprise.
"I... I don't.. You... I mean, you don't have to! I just thought that maybe-" he stuttered, his face was now rather pink. I interrupted him by hugging him tightly.
"You...would actually do that?"
"Yes, of course" he said weakly. I looked at him again. Then I leaned forward and pressed my lips onto his.
"I would love that" I said, smiling, as I pulled away. Hajime's face flushed. He pressed a kiss on my forehead and murmured:
"And I love you"

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