6: New Mother To Be

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Hey guys! So, I don't really know what I'm going to do in this chapter but, I definitely want to have you find out you're pregnant because it's already part six and I want to move the story plot along. I'll have you stay for a little while in the group but soon like before you start to show. Also I know the last few chapters have been boring I can only imagine, I'm so sorry about that. I also probably won't be putting actual episodes into my story like other people who write fanfics/x readers because 1.) I'm already writing with someone else's character's I don't want to write somebody's plot. 2.) You've probably already seen the episode's and I don't want to bore you to death because I'm sure if you wanted to you could just re-watch the episode's unless you don't have Netflix. and 3.) I don't remember really what happened in the seasons and I don't want to have to look it up. Now! ON TO THE STORY!

We were walking down the highway to.... Somewhere. Unfortunately we didn't have a car and lost all contact with CZ. It was so hot, maybe it was just me but I wish I had shorts or something to put on, but then Z's. On the bright side I got a digital watch off of a dead human and it still works JACKPOT!

"What's that up ahead?!" I said as I caught glimpse of something... Warren looked from Vasquez to straight ahead, squinting.

"Looks like some buildings up ahead!" Warren commented.

"Good. Because I have to pee again."

"Jesus Christ woman! Didn't you go pee like ten minutes ago?!" Murphy interjected. I glared at him.

"As a matter of fact. I did. Thank you bladder police!" I sneered.

"Geez. Catty much?" I just ignored him and just continued to walk.

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