The Six Finger Infinite Club

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"Would you like to join The Six Finger Infinite Club?" Asked me a young man, clad in denim and leather, his hair greased back like the 70's. It was only suiting for there to be a one man gang by the high-tech subway station, getting in the way of a successful lawyer, I thought like an atheist praying, seeping sarcasm. And when I asked him what that was, to humor him, he held out his well-calloused hand, as if I should shake it. He said, "It is an enlightened society of the invisible, who live constantly in the past, the present, and the future, without getting stuck. It is advanced beyond human means, for we become something else. Join us, become us. There is so much more for you waiting, Christopher Cripp."

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"I'm Matt Hailey, Leader of The Six Finger Infinite Club." He held his hand out further. "Not that I am unable to waste time that we can get back, but please do hurry. We have places to be."

Why did this boy talk so civilized; act so wise? It does make one wonder. But nonetheless I figured it must be a joke. I reached out and shook young Matt Hailey's hand. His hand... with six.. Fingers? I had noticed no sixth finger before and-
Time stopped.
No, really.
It did.
I was as skeptical as the next, but time stopped. All color disappeared into millions of shades of black, grey, and white. Matt let go of my hand limply. Suddenly there were people all around me who weren't there before, briskly going about their business and not paying any attention to us. The people of the subway before moved seemingly slower than rocks. I gasped: in an instant everything had changed. The subway charged by, looking too slow, like it was powering through dense gelatin and blowing off the classy fedora, delayed enough that I could catch it as it drifted from my head. My suit didn't seem completed without the old-looking hat to match, but I didn't think it would be long before I never wore a suit like this again.
"So Chris, would you like the basics of this yet? Or a tour of the world so new to you now?"
I could barely tell him yes, bemused by the speed and difference of it all;overjoyed. So Matt took me in and taught me the best. And that was the day (or maybe it was a short second, I no longer need to keep track of the illusion of time passing), I went from being Christopher Cripp, leading lawyer, to Chris Cripp of The Six Finger Infinite Club, usually invisible, timeless hero and adventurer of the galaxy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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