Unexpected pregnancy

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You and Namjoon were married for three years now. One day he came home early.
Namjoon:"Hey babe I've missed you" he said while kissing you.
Y/N:"Why are you being like this"?
Namjoon:"What i can't kiss my beautiful wife/ husband"?
Y/N:"I didn't say that.. You are just so needy all of the sudden and you are usually never like this."
Namjoon:"Come on babe"
As he was kissing you you wrapped your legs around his waist. He took you up stairs and did it(ik I am cringy but whatever lol)
                                 ~Next day~
You wake up to an empty bed. You went to get your phone and saw a letter
Sorry babe i had to leave so  I love you~Joon
The note made you smile.
Y/N:"I'm so happy that he made time for me even though he has his new comeback"
Y/N:Should I text him?.. I mean he is busy but just a little check up wouldn't hurt.
Y/N:Aish even though its been three years he makes my heart flutter like its the first time.
Y/N:I don't wanna get up to make breakfast but I'm hungry tho... Fine I'll do it
When you went into the kitchen you saw another note
I made you breakfast Jagi. I don't know if it tastes good~Joonie
Y/N: He's so sweet. I don't know what I did to deserve him
Since you work at home and you finished the work a few days ago you had nothing to do.
Y/N:Should I go shopping?
You really liked the idea
Y/N:Yeah sure I'll just walk around
                                ~At the mall~
Y/N:"Ugh there's nothing cute here." You complained
Y/N: ooh that lingerie set is cute I bet Joonie will love it
You picked out the set and paid for it.
You knew Namjoon was not going to be home early
You decided to sleep early because your feet hurt and you were extremely tired
You left huge arms around your waist and you turned around
Y/N:Hey joonie
Namjoon:"Jagi I'm so sorry i was la-"
Y/N:"it's okay" you interrupted
Namjoon:,I promise I'll make it up to you"
Y/N:"You don't have to"
Namjoon:,I know but I want to make it up to you,
Y/N:"Okay Joonie i don't feel like keeping this up because I'm so sleepy."
Namjoon:,Okay goodnight"
Namjoon: "She's already asleep.. She/he is  so cute"
You woke up to the sun shining through your windows
You try to wiggle from Namjoon's grip
Namjoon:"Were are you going Y/N?"
He said lazily
Y/N:"I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you up Joonie."
Namjoon:"Can you stay here with me"
Y/N:"You want to cuddle?"
Y/N:"Aw you are so cute. I'll stay with you you don't even have to ask Joonie"
Y/N:Aw he looks so pretty and peaceful
After a few minutes he was completely asleep
And you decided to try to get out of his grip
Y/N:Aish finally.
Y/N:Should I take a picture of him? He takes pictures of me all the time. So why not
Y/N:Should I post it?.. Yeah why not
Y/N:Aw he looks adorable.
When you got up you decided to wash up and make breakfast for Namjoon
Then you heard Namjoon coming down the stairs
Namjoon:"I told you not to leave kitten he said as he put his hands around your waist"
Y/N:"So you do want to starve joonie?"
Namjoon:"No i just wanted to stay with you for a little bit because i have barely made time for you"
Y/N: "I have already told you its okay you don't have to be sorry it's not your fault anyways"
Namjoon:"You know what I'm going to text PD nim to see if he'll give me today off"
Y/N:"You don't have to Namjoon"
You said as you were trying to take the phone away from him
Namjoon:"Yeah you are right but i want to because i don't want to lose you"
Namjoon said almost in tears
Y/N:"Joonie you aren't going to lose me"
You said while hugging him and wiping his tears Namjoon:"Y-You promise?"
Y/N "i promise"
Namjoon:"I love you so much Y/N"
He said while pecking your lips
Y/N:"I love you too joonie"
Namjoon:"You know I'm still going to text PD nim right"
Y/N:"Yeah I'm not going to stop you"
Namjoon:"Y/N HE SAID YES!!!"
Y/N:"Aw so what do want to do today?"
Namjoon:"Can we just stay home and watch a movie?"
Y/N:"Yeah sure"
Namjoon picked out a Annabelle creation beacsue he knew you would be scared
When a jumpscare came on you hid behind Namjoon.
Namjoon: "Aw its okay baby I'm here"
When the movie finished you decided to go on a picnic date
You cooked kimchi,bibimbap,bulgogi and tteok-bokki
Namjoon:"The food is so good babe"
He said while his mouth was full
You said while giggling
It was getting dark and you guys decided to go home
Namjoon held your hand while you guys were walking home
Namjoon:"Thanks for today Y/N"
Then he gave you a peck on the lips
Y/N:"Of course Joonie anytime"
The rest of the walk was quiet
When you guys came home Namjoon ran upstairs
He came down with a huge box
Namjoon:"Open it Y/N"
You nooded in response
You opened it and it in the box there was a little puppy
Y/N:"Joonie you got me a puppy!! Aw its so cute!!"
Namjoon:"Yeah i decided since you were lonely alot i got you company"
Y/N:"Thank you so much Joonie!"
You said while playing with the dog
Y/N:"Did you get it a bed,food,and puppy pads?"
He handed you all the things he got for the puppy
Y/N:"Okay buddy it's time for bed"
You put the puppy in the guest room
You made your way to your  shared room
You saw Namjoon was already asleep and kissed his cheek
Y/N:"Goodnight Joonie"
You got woken up by the sound of the alarm
Y/N:"Aish it's too early for this"
You got up and washed up
As you take one last look at your phone before you leave you noticed that your period was four days late
You were in full panick mode
Y/N:My period has been late one or two days but not four
Then you remembered that you and Namjoon had sex a few days prior
Y/N:but we used protection so that can't be
The whole day you couldn't work
You had to have a video call with your boss and you were so distracted
Y/B/N:"Kim Y/N why aren't you paying attention?"
Y/N:"Sorry Mr.Lee I just have other things in mind but I'll try to pay attention"
As Mr.Lee explained the project you tried to write down as much as you could because you know that you weren't going to remember
You decided to go grocery shopping and on the way to the register you saw a pregnancy test and you were contemplating if you should buy it or not
Y/N:I'll get two just to be safe
When you got home you saw Namjoon sitting on the couch and ran towards the bathroom
Namjoon:"Y/N are you okay?"
Y/N:"Yeah Namjoon I'm fine"
Namjoon:"I brought you some chocolate and ice cream since I know it's that time of the month"
Y/N:"Okay thanks joonie"
You took the test anxious for the results
And it turns out you were pregnant
You started to sob quietly
Y/N:"I-I'm  p-pregnant"
Y/n:"What is he going to think"
Y/N:"We're not ready for a kid"
Y/N:"How am I going to tell him?"
Namjoon:"Hey Y/N you have been there for a long time are you sure you are okay"
He snapped you out of your thoughts
Y/N: "Yeah I'm fine"
Namjoon:"Okay just come downstairs when you are done"
You wiped your tears and hid the test
You watched the movie and pretended to get cramps so Namjoon wouldn't notice
You tried to sleep but couldn't
So you decided to text your bestfriend Park Jimin
You felt at ease texting jimin
And you saw that he was excited so Namjoon would be excited too right?

You woke up the next day with Namjoon laying beside you
You were confused because today he didn't have the day off
Y/N:"Joonie aren't you supposed to be at work?"
Namjoon:"Yeah but PD nim gave me today off"
Y/N:"Why didn't you tell me?"
Namjoon:"Because he told me right before i left and i forgot"
Y/N:"Okay I'm going to go make breakfast Joonie"
You as said as you gave him a kiss on the lips
Namjoon:"I'll rather have you for breakfast"
Then he put you on top of him
That one kiss turned into a hot make out session
Then after a few minutes he started to take off your shirt
Y/N:"You are that horny aren't you?"
You said while giggling
Namjoon:"Yeah I've been wanting you for a while you know"
Then he took out a condom and put it on his dick
Namjoon:"Slow or fast?"
Y/N:"You know how i like it"
Namjoon:"Rough it is"
He stuck it  in you making you moan and whimper in pain
Namjoon:"Fuck Y/N you are so damn tight"
Namjoon's moans as well as your moans filled the room
After you guys finished he kissed you on your forehead
Namjoon:"Thanks for that Y/N"
He said while trying to stabilize his breathing
You washed up and decided that now was the time to tell Namjoon the news
Y/N:"Namjoon i have to tell you something"
You said while having the test behind your back
Namjoon:"Yeah babe?"
Y/N:"So I- um I'm pregnant"
You couldn't read Namjoon you didn't know if he was happy or mad
He came running towards you and kissed you all over
Y/N:" Are happy about it?"
You said confused
Namjoon:"Obvioulsy I've always wanted a family with you i just didn't know how to tell you"
You said almost in tears
Namjoon:Why wouldn't I want kids with you?  You are beautiful,Smart, and the love of my life"
Namjoon:" I can't wait to have that kid with you Y/N!"

Unexpected pregnancy:NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now