~Jisung's Mission ~

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Jisung awoke to a familiar voice, it was Felix

"Jisung, we're going to miss breakfast!" he whined shaking the older boy violently

"I'm up, Jesus!" Jisung sat up in his bed and familiarized himself with his surroundings. He got out of bed got dressed, grabbed his bag and headed down to breakfast with Felix.

When they arrived the Great Hall was bustling with students, chatting about the upcoming quidditch match this weekend, they took their seats at the Hufflepuff table with the quidditch team. Taehyung was enjoying a slice of toast while reading the Daily Prophet,

"Hey, guys" Jisung spoke taking a seat beside Taehyung who was reading an article about broomsticks

"Oh!, hey you ready for this weekend?" Taehyung asked Jisung as he grabbed a piece of toast
"Yeah, I mean we've trained hard for this match, I think we can beat Ravenclaw" Jisung stated looking at his teammates with hope in his eyes.

{At The Ravenclaw Table}

"They really think they will beat us?" Hyunjin spat watching the Hufflepuff team laugh and joke about Ravenclaw when he was snapped out of it by his teammate Namjoon patting him on the shoulder

'Don't get so worked up about them, and focus on beating them this weekend" he whispered so the rest of the team couldn't eavesdrop on their conversation. Just then Jaemin and Yuta approached the table with their beater bats

'You guys ready for practice?" Jaemin asked resting his bat on his shoulder waiting for a reply

"Yes, we are" Hyunjin answered finishing the last sip of his tea, he then stood up and grabbed his broom and beckoned the team to follow him just as they were about to leave he heard a shout from behind him

"Hey!" Jisung shouted standing up from his spot at the table and approaching the Ravenclaw team, his team behind him "Where do you think you're going?" he asked folding his arms staring up into Hyunjin's eyes

"Practice" Hyunjin spat looking down at the smaller boy who was surprisingly the Hufflepuff Team Caption

"Funny joke" Jisung laughed before returning to his serious face

"I'm not joking" Hyunjin spat starting to turn around and walk away without causing a scene

"Hey!" Jisung called after Hyunjin, "We booked the pitch today for practice so looks like you'll have to practice elsewhere" Jisung stated folding his arms to show he meant business

"We actually booked the pitch a week ago" Hyunjin stated smug knowing that Jisung couldn't top that

"You know what, I'm sick of your shit I'm gonna shove my broomstick so far up your ass it'll come out your mouth!" Jisung screamed before running at Hyunjin swinging his broomstick around like a pair of nunchucks

Hyunjin ducked and tackled Jisung to the ground Jisung rolled them over so he was on top and started punching Hyunjin repeatedly in the face, he kept punching until he missed and was flipped around so Hyunjin was on top pinning Jisung's arms to the ground beside his head but Jisung then headbutted Hyunjin. Hyunjin lost it and started punching Jisung in the face and stomach, just then buzzkill Woojin as he was nicknamed ran in and pulled Hyunjin off of Jisung then proceeded to stand in between them with his arms outstretched to try and stop them. Jisung shoved Woojin hard out of the way into the Ravenclaw table he lunged at Hyunjin punching him again Hyunjin kneed Jisung in the stomach and then punched him Jisung fell to the floor coughing up blood.

"Are you done?" Hyunjin managed out of breath blood trickling done his chin and forehead

"Are you kidding?" Jisung laughed, "I could do this all day!" he spat he leapt up and tackled Hyunjin punching him, again and again, they rolled around a few times until they were finally able to be pulled away from each other without hurting someone.

Namjoon grabbed Hyunjin up of the floor draping one of his arms around his shoulder helping him to the infirmary, Taehyung scooped Jisung off the ground in a bridle carry as the blood dripped down Jisung's face to his arm to the floor. All anyone could hear as Jisung was being carried away was his faint laughing.

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