Prove Them Wrong

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She snatches an apple from the basket and chucks it at me. I'm surprised at how hard it hits me but instead of wincing I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from laughing. She notices and her anger dials up about three more notches.

"It's not funny! You asshole!" She shouts but I can tell from her voice that she's trying not to laugh also. I close the space between us and press her body against the refrigerator.

"I'm sorry" I chuckle. I kiss her frown away and finally her body relaxes against mine.

Her arms slither up my torso and grip the shoulders of my shirt. "You can't...kiss me....every time...I....get you." She gasps in between kisses.

I pull away just enough to meet her eyes. "Trust me, I don't. If I did, I'm pretty sure your lips would have fallen off by now." I slide my hands down to her ass and squeeze lightly. The moan that sounds from her mouth makes me connect our lips again, this time my teeth tugging and pulling at hers.

The sound of the doorbell pushes me away from her and I curse under my breath when she reaches for the knob.

When the door opens, a familiar voice enters the room. "Des! I need your help! Desperately!" Willow screeches. Never have I hated this girl more in one moment.

Des looks back at me with her swollen lips and wide eyes looking sad. I nod to tell her to go and they turn bright instantly.

She promises Willow two minutes and closes the door. When she passes me I grab her elbow and and bring her in between my legs. The edge of the couch hurts my ass like hell but the small smile on her face keeps me in place.

"I promise it won't be too long." She assures me. I give her a kiss on her nose followed by another kiss on her head. I can't seem to stop the assault and I'm awarded by a giggle when I end with her chin. The sound is so beautiful it brings a small chuckle from my lips as well.

"Hello? Des? Are you ready yet?" Willow calls from the other side of the door.

Desiree disconnects herself from me, grabs her coat, and gives me a quick kiss on the lips before leaving through the front door.


Willow rants the entire car ride over to the mall and my mind only catches half of it. Something about a new job interview for a hotel with some hot cafe boy that winks at her every time she passes through the lobby. And how she MUST get a new outfit to make the boy fancy her boobs.

I have to reassure her every five minutes that her boobs are a large size for her age and that he would be dumb not to desire to motorboat them.

Most of the time we are shopping I try to focus on the task at hand, but my mind drifts off to Sam so often I end up checking my phone every ten minutes. When Will is trying on a short cut dress in one of the fitting rooms I decide to send him a message.

*Hey, any ideas for dinner tonight? I'm starving*

Not five minutes later he responds.

*So bored that you feel you the need to ask about dinner? Tell Will that you can no longer hang out with her if you want to survive from a boredom attack*

I smile at his response and can't help dialing his number. He answers after the second ring.

"Do I need to call an ambulance?" He immediately says.

I giggle and shake my head at his playful mood today. "I don't think they'll get here in time, she's already brought up the venue of her and 'cafe boys' wedding."

"Oh no, it's worse than I thought." I laugh at the same moment Willow walks out wearing the stripper dress.

She looks at me with expectant eyes and I finally understand she wants my opinion. "It's....very small." I respond.

"Hey, my dicks large and you know it." I hear Sam say through the phone. I try to ignore him and wait for Willow to say something. She looks in the mirror and smiles.

"You're right, maybe a date dress. But not for work." She returns to the fitting room and I turn my attention back to Sam on the phone.

"So self-loathing." I comment. I notice a middle aged man with scary eyes and a long beard staring directly at me from the corner of the store. I expect him to look away when we make eye contact but instead he winks. I shift uncomfortably and look away. I can still feel the mans eyes on me but decide to try to ignore him.

"Des? Did you hear me?" I try to remember if I heard Sam say anything but can't.

"Huh? What? Sorry what did you say?" I try to keep my voice calm but I still feel so violated even though I look back where the man was and see that he is gone.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Sam is now worried and I know it will take a lot for me to try to calm him down.

"Everything's fine, I'm almost headed home. I'll talk to you when I see you." I fumble for words. He surprises me by simply responding with an "ok" and hanging up.

After what seems like forever Will finally returns with her normal clothes on, the stripper dress in one hand and her wallet in the other.

"I think I'll keep this, just in case." She smiles.

I shake my head and we head to the nearest checkout line. I resist telling her about the man, knowing she will make a bigger deal out of it than needed.


I pace around the kitchen the whole fucking 30 minutes it takes after Des finally gets home. As soon the door opens I run to her like a child at Christmas. She looks much less shaky than she sounded on the phone which calms my nerves but I'm still curious.

"Are you alright?" I rush my words and I'm surprised she even understands what I'm saying.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I search her expression for the truth but she doesn't give me the time before wrapping her arms around my neck and standing on her tippy toes to meet my eyes.

I can't help staring directly into the beautiful green. I love how the rim of them are a mysterious gray. And how there's a thin ring of gold in the middle, reminding me of The Lord of the Rings. I mentally scowl myself for being so cheesy.

She closes her eyes and blocks my terrific view. Her face inches closer and I know what she wants but can't help unwinding her arms from me. When I look up at her eyes again this time they're open and full of pain.

"Please" I beg like a pathetic child. "Tell me." She pulls out her bottom lip and it's so fucking adorable I have to bite my own mouth to keep myself from biting hers.

She takes a slow pace when striding toward me. I'm so turned on and curious at the same time that I can't move. She starts to unbutton the top of her shirt and I nearly lose my balance. When her shirts open far enough for me to see her black laced bra underneath I can feel a bulge in my jeans.

"Des I'm serious, you better tell me right now or..." I trail off when her skin tight yoga pants are wiggled from her legs and pool at her ankles. I close my eyes and try to shake my dirty thoughts but when I open my eyes again all she's wearing is her panties and they start to multiply.

"Come here." Her words are demanding but her voice comes out soft. I can't resist it any longer, I cross the space between us in two large steps and connect our lips. She lifts her legs to wrap around my waist and my hands come down to her thighs to support her. I make my way down the hall and into the bedroom when she starts to knead her fingers into my hair. My feet hit the bed frame and I collapse on the bed with her landing softly onto me.

Her bare chest presses against mine and my desire forms into need. I flip our bodies over to where I am hovering over her. I'm sure the look in her eyes matches mine perfectly. She wants me just as much as I want her.

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