Chapter 1: Crumbling Walls

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"No, I honestly don't think you can become a hero without a quirk." Izuku stood in stunned silence. The words of his emaciated hero ringing in his head like a bell. All Might had told him about his injury, about his time limit, about how pro heroes were always risking their lives, and how villains can't be beaten without a quirk.
"I-I see." Izuku said looking down. He knew this, he knew it was impossible, but that didn't make it hurt any less. All Might walked towards a stairwell uttering a few last words to the boy. "It's not bad to have a dream young man, just make sure they are attainable, realistic." The door to the stairwell shut with a click.

Izuku walked along a road fighting back tears, 'I knew this, I've been avoiding reality, even All Might said it, a hero needs a quirk.' An explosion shook Izuku from his thoughts, across the street in a shopping district smoke was rising and a crowd had formed with police ushering them back. 'I shouldn't even stop, all my notes are useless.' He thought but he was already standing in the back of the crowd trying to catch a glimpse. His eyes widened at the sight of green sludge with eyes and teeth surrounding a body. 'That's the guy who attacked me.' Realization dawned on him. 'All Might captured him, but if he dropped the bottle, then it's my fault.' Izuku held his hands over his mouth, staring, hoping a hero would come to save the day. He locked eyes with the captive the villain had taken. Caution abandoned he rushed into the battlefield ignoring the calls of the pro heroes telling him to stop. Swinging his backpack over his shoulder he aimed at the villain's eyes. It hit making the sludge abomination flinch back, Izuku jumped, desperately clawing away at the sludge around Bakugou's face.
"Deku! What are you doing!" Bakugou yelled.
Tears welled up in Izuku's eyes "I couldn't just sit there and watch you die!" He yelled. The Villain now recovered lashes out to hit him, but before it could hit All Might was there sending a Detroit smash at the villain. Just like that, it was over.

The heroes scolded Izuku for rushing in and being reckless while katsuki was praised for having such a powerful quirk. Izuku didn't want to be around the heroes, he wanted time to himself. After the scolding, Izuku dejectedly walks in the opposite direction of his house with no set course. 'I can't be a hero, what should I do? All might said that my dreams need to be attainable but, what can a quirkless kid do?' Izuku had stopped walking and looked up to find he was at a beach... well what was a beach, The sand was barely visible, it was all covered in massive piles of trash that ranged from simple plastic bags to Cars that had been dismantled for parts. Izuku looks at the beach starring at the mounds of trash. 'This is terrible, where did all this trash come from anyway? Why hasn't anyone cleaned this up?' He thought. Walking down the stairs to the beach he starts to pick up small pieces of trash. 'just because I'm quirkless doesn't mean I'm useless, maybe if I can clean this beach, then who knows what else I could do.' Izuku continued to clean until he had cleared away a relatively small portion of trash, he purposely avoided picking up the refrigerators doubtful he could even move them. 'Why are there so many refrigerators on this beach anyway?'

"Hey, kid! What are you doing here! Don't you know what time it is?!" Izuku jumped at the sound of another voice. He looked up to where the voice came from to see a woman leaned over the railing looking at him. Her question registered in his mind and he looked up to notice the sun had already disappeared. He screamed startling the woman, quickly grabbing his bag and rushing up the stairs he gave a quick "thank you" to the woman before running home. Thankfully the beach wasn't awfully far from his house, he thought it strange that he had never heard about it until today. Entering his house he was greeted with a hug and his crying mother.
"I-I heard of the villain attack and I know how you always want to see heroes in action, s-so when you didn't come home I was worried something bad had happened to you." Inko said with tears rolling down her face. Izuku pulled his mom into a hug.
"I'm okay mom I just needed some time to think about some... stuff." Izuku apologized. "I-I don't think I'm cut out to be a hero." He said. Inko froze. Did she hear him right? Izuku loves heroes, he's always wanted to be one despite the odds.
"Izuku are you okay?' Inko questioned her son. He gave a half-hearted smile.
"I'm okay mom I just, had a revelation I guess."
After eating dinner Izuku sat in his room in front of his desk. He turned to see the many All Might posters on the wall. Standing from his chair he walked over to one before removing the tape holding it in place, be rolled up the poster before moving to another. By the time he was done almost all of the hero merchandise in his room was tucked away in a box under his bed, there were a few remaining posters, none of which featured All Might. Best Jeanist, Space hero No.13, Present Mic, and the underground pro-Eraserhead were featured on the remaining posters. His many all might figurines had also been stored under the bed minus one that he kept on his desk next to his computer. Izuku looked around his room before flopping down onto his bed with a sigh before promptly falling into a dreamless sleep.

Waking up Izuku noticed his alarm wasn't set to go off for another hour but he wasn't able to succumb to sleep again. 'No I honestly don't think you can be a hero without a quirk.' Izuku shook his head to clear his mind of the dreadful reminder, standing up he made his way to his computer to browse any recent hero news, an article caught his eye.

Vigilantes. Should they face the same punishment as Villians?

Should vigilantes face the same punishment as villains who have committed a true crime?
The definition of vigilantism is the act of taking the law into one's hands by the illegal use of a quirk without legal authority. Vigilantes act on what they believe is right and overall are very beneficial to the world, villains are apprehended, imprisoned, and kept off the streets.

The article continued for another seven paragraphs which Izuku read in fascination. The ringing of his alarm clock he neglected to turn off nearly made him fall out of his chair. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, attempted to comb his hair, and got dressed but he couldn't help but think. 'Could I be a vigilante?' At breakfast, izuku was quiet, it unsettled inko. "Izuku," she said to draw her son's attention. "I-Its okay if you don't want to be a hero, just know that I will support you no matter what you decide to do." Izuku smiled a genuine one.
"Thanks mom." He said happily.
After breakfast, his school day continued as per usual, accept kacchan left him alone for once. After school, he decided to go to the trash-covered beach to clean more, he sent a quick text to his mom saying he will be home later. Reaching the beach he dropped his backpack next to the stairs and began picking up more trash.
'If I became a vigilante I will definitely need some training, as well as weapons, but where would I get access to those? I'll have to search for a place that sells them, but what are the chances they'll sell anything to a kid. Eraserhead removing people's quirks puts them on an even playing field, his experience and capture weapon are what gives him the advantage over his opponent. I wonder if I could somehow get my hands on some quirk suppressant's, they would definitely help against stronger enemies. I don't want anyone finding out my identity so I'll need a mask of some sort. Am... Am I really going to do this? This seems crazy, insane almost.'
"I dunno kid it sounds pretty crazy to me" Izuku was startled by the intrusion of another voice.
"O-oh you're the lady from yesterday night. D-Did you hear anything I just said?" Izuku asked. Now that it was daytime he could clearly see her. Her skin was hazelnut colored, her hair was pitch black and held back in a braided ponytail that fell to her waist and her eyes were a dark shade of blue, she looked to be in her late twenties.
"just the end when you were calling yourself crazy." She looked around at the area of beach that was cleared. "So you're cleaning the beach?" Izuku nodded. The woman gave him a thumbs up. "You've got a lot of work ahead of you kid but I think you can do it." Izuku smiled brightly.
"I'll do my best." He said gladly.
The woman looked around to the mounds of trash piled high.
"This beach used to be beautiful but people decided to dump their garbage here and no one had bothered to pick it up, so if you want to clean it is be glad to help, I could haul away the garbage too." She said looking at the larger pieces of trash.
"That would be great! I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way."
"nice to meet ya Midoriya, I'm Aiya Maeko" She extended her hand for a handshake which Izuku accepted.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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