Hi,my name is Jakiya but everybody call me Kiy I'm 16 year old sophomore. I go to Garfield High School I live with my mother she is my only parent my dad died when I was 1.I never really knew my dad everybody said I look just like him.My Bestfriend name is Resha she the only female I trust besides my mom. A lot of females don't really like me my mom an Resha say it's because I'm Pretty an not ran thru.
Females a Garfield is ran thru if they not fucking them they sucking em for money or just to say the fucked that nigga.I don't really like boys but it's this one boy name Rashawn he so fine. But I'm scared to talk to him cause everybody say he Inlove With this girl name Nianna.
Jakiya (Kiy)
Resha (Kiy Bestie)
Rashawn (Sniper)
Nianna (Rashawn Girlfriend)