Prologue- Welcome To The Town!

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Jacob's P.O.V

          "Hello?" I asked Xander on the phone. "JACOB! IT'S TERRIBLE!" Xander screamed in fear. "What!?!?" I asked worryingly. "We all just found someone murdered!" Xander yelled. "Well who was it??" I asked in fear. "We can't make it out cause it's not somewhere here!" Xander examined. "Well what do you want me to do about it!?" I wondered. "You need to come here! Your the only investigator I know!" Xander yelled. He was right, I was the only investigator he knew, so he did make a point. "Fine. I'll come there. But if anything happens to me, I will haunt you in your dreams!" I yelled hanging up the phone. "Now to start packing." I told myself. And with that, I packed my Salem clothes, hats, shoes, and everything I could find that would fit into that town and not have people look at me weirdly. But they should be lucky to have a investigator looking out for them, hopefully there will be a doctor to heal me. And with that, I was walking of to Salem.

          As I made my way into the entrance of the town I saw a broken signed that said "Welcome to Salem" I shook my head in disbelief to see that there were blood stains on the sign. "Hey Jacob!" Xander yelled, waving to me as he was running. "Hey! What happened here?" I asked, pointing at the dead body next to one that was hung. "Well as I said on the phone, the dead person was stabbed brutally and we couldn't figure out who it was, and we hung Claudia because we thought she was on the Mafia but really she was just Vigilante who was trying to protect us." Xander said in sorrow. "Well, where is everyone?" I asked. "There all in the Meeting Hall. I want you to meet them so let's go!" Xander pointed, taking me to the Meeting Hall.

          *Inside the Meeting Hall* "Hey everyone, this is Jacob! He's new here, and one of my friend's whose an investigator so he can help solve this mystery to who the killer is!" Xander cheered, making everyone else cheer to, but then they stopped looking as sad and angry as they did before. "Hey, my name's Madi, nice to meet you Jacob." A girl called Madi who was dressed in old clothes and looked sad said. "Hi." I told her. "I'm Ethan." A guy said who was looking as depressed as ever said. "Yeah, and the rest of them are Layla, Rosy, Ryan, Rodney, Thomas, Ashton, Izzy, Faith, Wynter, Tyler, and last but not least Hannah!" Xander explained, making them all wave to me. "Hey" They all greeted me, shaking my hand. "Well, what can you guy's all do? I'm a investigator for starters." I reported. "I'm a sheriff." Madi added, holding up her sheriff badge. "I'm the lookout, but I didn't do as good as I should of yesterday!" Ethan started crying. "I'm a doctor." Xander replied. I never knew that about Xander I thought to myself. "I'm a bodyguard!" Rosy said looking tough. "Well, you'll never believe me but i'm a medium!!" Layla said crazily. "Right... I'm the jailor." Ryan said pointing to his jail house. "I'm the godfather!" Rodney yelled. "Too bad it's obvious your the jester. I don't even need to investigate you." I laughed. "Well were not saying our roles!" Tyler shouted and everyone who was behind him agreed. "Well your nice." I plainly said. Without warning, I heard bells ring and Faith yelling, "Night time everyone! Go to sleep!" And with that we all figured out she was the Mayor of course.

          *Night Time* "Well who should I investigate.... Let's go with Tyler." I said sneaking out of my house to his. I walked slowly to his house which luckily it was only three houses away from mine, and with that I opened the door quietly to see him sleeping which I was glad to see. I got his last will and read that he was either a Sheriff, Retributionist, or Executioner. I laughed at the thought of him being a Ret, while I knew and trusted Madi to be the sheriff, so that means he had to be the Executioner. But who was his target? I kept wondering that as I walked back to my house going to sleep. 

Madi's P.O.V.

          Hmm who should I investigate? I'm not sure if I can trust everyone here. Maybe I should investigate..... Thomas! Yeah that's who I should investigate! I slowly walked towards to Thomas's house and walked in seeing if he was awake. I quickly checked for any weapons or any signs of bad things in the house, and I searched until I found an old pair of his clothes full of his blood. "KILLER!" I screamed, accidentally waking Thomas up, but luckily I ran out before he saw me.

Thomas's P.O.V.

          Wow, she can't be anymore stupider. I was awake the whole time and now that I know she's sheriff, I'm gonna kill her with the rest of my mafia members. I ran outside to the Godfather's house and told him what happened. He agreed that we would kill Madi and so he walked to her house, waking her up quietly so she would see us before she died. We could see the fear in her eyes.

Xander's P.O.V.

          Hmm who to heal, who to heal... I think i'm gonna use it on Jacob since he's new here and probably a target for being an investigator, but then again Madi just revealed that she is sheriff. Who's more important? Well I can't base it off of that... I need to base it off of how much they know these people. And Madi know's more, so I will heal her!

Ethan's P.O.V.

          Who should I lookout for? Probably Wynter, but then again..... She's probably safe without a doubt since she hasn't been talking at all. But then again..... Ugh i'll just watch out for Tyler. Let's go to his house, I said going on top of his roof and seeing if anyone would come there. I saw Jacob and a few other people but I wasn't sure if Tyler was dead or not.

Ryan's P.O.V.

          "Wynter role? Now." I asked Wynter. "You really wanna know? I'm not too sure you do." Wynter replied. "Yes I do and if you don't i'm executing you." I demanded. "Hmm, executed or get killed? I'll go with execution." Wynter joked. "Now or else i'm executing you, just letting you know, the chair your sitting in is the execution chair and it will kill you if I press this button." I showed her holding up a button. "I can't remember my role ok! I'm trying to figure out who I am and I just can't!" Wynter cried out. "So your an Amnesiac? Well, if anyone important dies, i'm jailing you and I can get you to remember that you were that role!" I stated. "Thanks so much!" Wynter cheered. 

*Daytime* Jacob's P.O.V.

         As I walked out of my house I saw one dead body, Tyler. Great. I'm so up for block if anyone saw me! I watched Faith walk up to the dead body and read their last will. "Executioner, my target is Ashton, sorry buddy, but i'm eliminating you!" Faith continued, "It said that he was killed by...... A serial killer." Faith read. We all gasped knowing that there wasn't just mafia but now a serial killer. Oh what messed up town did I go to?? "Any ideas?" I asked. "Yes, I was attacked but someone healed me, I couldn't make out their face since all I saw was blood..." Madi sobbed. "Yes! I healed you!" Xander exclaimed. "I have some clues too. Jacob visited Tyler last night and now he's dead! Jacob is the Serial Killer! Just think about it! There was only the mafia, and now since he came, there's a Serial Killer!" Ethan explained. You got to me kidding me. I'm the stupid investigator! "No! I'm the investigator! I investigated Tyler and it said he was the executioner! It's not my fault he's dead!" I screamed. "Vote if we put him up on trial or if he's innocent!" Faith motioned pointing to the rope where I would get hung. Everyone voted for me, even Xander. Well thanks! Like I need anyone in this place as a friend! "It's not me I promise! Jail me tonight jailor, and if the serial killer kills then you know it's not me! Please! I'm innocent I tell ya! Innocent!" I cried out. I saw some convinced faces and some in disbelief, I didn't know what was gonna happen. But here I am, a rope around my head, and a chair under my feet, waiting to be moved if i'm guilty so I get hung.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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