2 - "The Tommorow of a Date" (part 2)

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Mai-san, along with the lunch she has prepared before, walks to the corner of the room. She picks a seat.

-    Sakuta-kun, come here. We will have lunch.

Sakuta approaches Mai-san. He looks at the lunch with a delighted eyes. He is quite hungry now.

-    Woah, Mai-san. You can cook?

-    Of course I do. Just because you didn't believe in my cooking skill so I have to prove it with you. – Mai-san replies to Sakuta with a slight embarrassed face.

-    Uhm... Mai-san.

-    What is it? – She looks at him.

-    I love you, please go out with me.

Mai-san looks at Sakuta as if he is a newly-found creature from nowhere. Then she opens her lunchbox, grab some rice, and eat it.

-    Uhm... - Sakuta is quite worried.

-    After a whole month listening to your confession, I have got bored and my heart doesn't skip a beat anymore.

-    Oh... so that means you don't love me anymore.

Sakuta proceeds to close the lunchbox, wrap it up, and stands up.

-    So now you've got bored, and dumped me. Thank you for spending time with me.

Mai-san, with all of her speed, grab Sakuta's arm.

-    Wait, I didn't say that I...

-    Then will you go out with me?

Sakuta strikes a counter attack back to Mai-san. Her face went all red now. Her heartbeat is very fast. Is that what people called love?

Embarrassed, Mai-san can only whisper now.

-    ...ok.

-    I didn't hear it?

-    ...I will. – Mai-san agrees to go out with Sakuta.

Then he sits down and enjoys the meal with Mai-san. During the meal time. Mai-san informed him about the upcoming movie she will take part in. There will be a kissing scene. But Sakuta knows that it's not Mai-san who will do it. But he will not meet her for about a week.

-    So is there anything to do while you're away Mai-san?

-    I won't leave until next week, so how about going to my house this weekend?

-    I will definitely go to your house!

Sakuta will go out with Mai-san for the first time. And that's Mai-san house. Can't hide his happiness, Sakuta smiles and nearly floating for the rest of the day. Before going to bed, he just thinks, what will happen next...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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