Finding Jude

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Hey, Jude, don't make it bad,
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.

She had blue eyes. Blue like my mother's but deeper. Blue like the Mediterranean, like summer Grecian skies. Blue like those I had fallen so deeply in love with the first time I had laid eyes on them all those years ago. Blue like her father's.

At six, she approached the world with wide curious eyes. Those baby blues had a sweet tenderness, and an earnest innocence, that we have been so diligent and careful to protect. She had so many questions. She wanted answers to how the world worked, and how we all came to be.

She had so many questions, and I did not blame her. The world is confusing for all of us, let alone a little girl who is still trying to find her footing.

"Didn't you hear me? I said, keep going, Mommy," Lulu coaxed, nudging me, as her eyes flickered up in excitement.

After Evie had finished nursing, we had moved from our spot on the windowsill, and over to my empty king sized bed.

I leaned down, pressing a kiss against my oldest girl's temple, as I took in her sweet scent.

Honeysuckle sweet, she was, that little girl.

"Alright, alright, give me a second," I said lowly, checking on the baby one more time before I readjusted myself so I was lying to parallel to her on my side. "Just like your Daddy, not the most patient, are you?" I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her little body, and bringing her a bit closer so we were face to face.

She grinned, as I ran my finger tips through her hair. It was important to us to give each one our daughters the individualized attention they so craved. My parents had always made an effort to make my sister and me feel special, and we wanted to do the same for our girls.

Building strong, confident girls meant it was essential to us to spend time alone with each one of our girls. We were here to raise their self-esteem, to remind them that they could do anything they set their minds and hearts to, and to build an unbreakable bond in trust with each one of them so they knew no matter what, Mama and Daddy would always be there to pick them up.

Nights like tonight reminded me why these moments were so sacred.

"Ready now?" She whispered eagerly.

I nodded, "ready."


Hey, Jude, don't be afraid,
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.

With an exasperated huff, I threw another shirt over my shoulder. It hit the wood with a soft thud, joining the growing pile of clothes that had accumulated on the floor of my bedroom.

With a closet full of clothes, I could not seem to find anything to wear. Nothing looked right.

My heart felt like it had fallen still as I stood in front of the floor length mirror of in my bra and lace underwear. The cold wood of the floor sent shivers up my spine, covering my skin in prickly goosebumps.

My face was painted with a heavy film of make-up. My lids were coated in a soft golden shadow, adorned with black butterfly lashes. My cheeks were chiseled with a bronzed tan, powdered with a rosy pink blush. My eyes were tagged with a sharp black liner, and my lips coated in a red glossy sheen.

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