14. The Graveyard In The Mountains
This experience is a recent one of mine, which still I can't believe that I have seen it with my own eyes. I will explain it as short as I can and that too being able for you to understand.
In 1st week June 2017, I went on a family trip to Jammu and Kashmir (A very famous tourist place in India, it is also said to be second Switzerland.), first we visited Vaishnodevi mandir in Katra, Jammu (Holy place for Hindu), then My Dad decided to visit a new place called "Bhadarwah" which is 201 km from Jammu. We have visited Kashmir before, so we agreed on this. We left the very next day, we started travelling from morning 7 am. While going the scenery was so beautiful, we reached Bhaderwah around 5 pm in the evening (It took us time to reach because the whole travelling was by mountains, no plain area). We asked the locals what the famous places are to visit over there, they said if we are nature lovers we should visit "Paddri valley" which is 40 km from there. So, we decided to visit that place first.
We left for Paddri valley the next day, it took 2 hours for us to cover 40 km as the roads were so dangerous, anytime there can be a landslide. When we reached, we saw tents where they provide food and drinks. In front of us was a snow-covered mountain, honestly, it was a breathtaking view. Suddenly my eye caught something, it was a graveyard, graveyard of Muslims. It didn't have any boundary, an open graveyard in the valley spooked me, but I was not scared as I thought maybe it's natural over here to have a graveyard in these places.
We enjoyed, had lunch, clicked pictures. It was sometime in the afternoon (I don't remember the time) when I heard Prayers of Muslim's. Every Muslim over there started doing their prayer.
Suddenly the weather changed, the wind got a little weird. That very moment I saw something unexpected. Nobody knew where the group of crows came from. Those crows were flying just above the graveyard. They made a circle around it in the sky, I tried to click that picture but to our amazement, everyone phone got switched off automatically. We were standing still, it was like being hypnotised to see that scenario. When the prayer got over, those crows flew away and disappeared into the woods leaving us clueless. Our phones switched on. The local people over there were behaving normally as nothing occurred, it felt like they already knew something. After a few minutes, I asked one the local about it. "Does it happen every time?".
What he said made me smile, "Prayers have power, madam, this graveyard is of Muslim's and they are loyal to their prayers, so loyal that even death can't stop them."
Maybe he said too much, or genuinely it was true, but I did feel the power at that time.
Before we left, I clicked a photo of the graveyard. I will provide the photo if possible. Not a scary experience but it just spooked me.
15 . Fido The Unfriendly... Ghost?
This may not be the place to put this, as I am not entirely sure this is about a ghost. And there may be parts of it that are definitely astral. Almost certainly some of it is spiritual. But nevertheless it happened, and it wasn't fun, and so I will pop it here and let the mods decide if it needs moving. I don't tend to tell these stories much because, quite frankly, I am not sure I believe in ghosts. Don't get me wrong - I grew up in a family without scepticism. Ghost tours on holiday, plenty of things of note in the historical properties in which we lived over the years, and plenty of things I have experienced myself - but I still don't know that I know what causes them. However what I am going to relate definitely happened, and my son (Despite being now grown up, hairy, and pragmatic) will attest to them, and sometimes still won't sleep in the dark.
So I was 19 and my son 2.5 when we got housed in an awful 22 floor tower block in an awful part of London. Like the Grenfell Tower which just burned down, and London council estate like you would see in an English movie or cop show. It sucked.
Layout was that you entered from the lift lobby to face a storage cupboard and had to dog-leg left to go down the main hallway. Then it was (to the left) bedroom, bedroom, bathroom (right) toilet (right) and straight into the kitchen/ lounge.
Not long after moving in I started feeling uneasy about that hallway corner, between the entrance and the rest of the flat. And I began to very much get the sense of a dark mass in that area. Of course, I brushed it off, got on with the general business of being a very young unmarried mum, and certainly didn't ask or tell anyone.
However, my little boy, who had the first bedroom as you entered the flat, soon began to wake in the night screaming his head off. Of course I would rush in and calm him, and we bought him a dream catcher, but it happened quite regularly. And then one night I began to get woken. First time it happened I woke to a black, formless shape at the end of my bed which was 'speaking' to me. Not in words or any recognisable noise - more like a nonsense rumble of communication going straight to my brain.
I had some background with learning about the occult, spiritualism and such, and so I knew how to banish and how to white light, and so of course I pretty much white-flared it away. Then, every time my boy would wake screaming I pretty much knew what I was dealing with. I would leap up, march in there like some warrior queen and fling white fire and blue pentacles into the room. (But heavily tinged with love, because it's almost impossible for dark energy to fight against 'I love you, I wish you well, Now LEAVE!' if mentally thrown with force. At least in my experience)
And my son began to have fewer bad dreams. But I began to have many more experiences.
I would wake in the night frequently to find Fido in my room.
I once woke up because my stereo was on, and the song playing woke me. However when I blearily reached over to press the button to turn it off it lit up - it hadn't been on at all. NOW it lit up, but and now the music became minor key, discordant, and I realised that Fido was there again, closer than usual, almost within reach.
I had awful nightmares. I was a lucid dreamer, so dreams often felt like reality (I could pinch myself and just say 'ow!') and I would often wake from a dream into a dream into a dream... Always violent and always with a the black shapeless presence looming.
A few times I woke as clear as anything, got out of bed, went to the kitchen to get a glass of water (or the loo to go to the toilet), turned on the tap, poured a drink, took a cold wet sip (or shut the door, sat and peed), turned toward a window and saw the sky was all wrong outside - and Bang! Woke up in bed with Fido in the corner of the room.
This went on and on. Periodically defending my son, frequently defending myself.
My cat inexplicably decided to jump out of a hard to access window one day, plummeting 8 floors to its death.
My new best friend moved in for a few months. On one of her first nights with me we had been laughing about something when she went to the toilet. She came back in white as a sheet, looking horrified. 'Babe, I went to wash my hands and when I looked up there was this black shape behind me in the mirror.' I explained then, about Fido.
To be honest, it was definitely malevolent, but I always felt definitely stronger. If it could have actually harmed me it would have, I am certain, but it couldn't. Just scare the crap out of me and keep trying to get access for a few years. (I should say I went on to become a Wiccan in later years, and was a fairly strong White witch for a number of years until I moved to Australia and lost my connection with the land)
Other people reported feeling uneasy, many people claimed (although it was during parties, usually, and we were all young, in London, in the 90s, so most people weren't exactly unintoxicated) to see a shape jump from the window, or pass them in the hall. My best mate would always sit with her back to the wall and never went along the corridor alone at night. It wasn't a nice flatmate.
I can't be certain what Fido was, but I don't think it had ever been a person, so I wouldn't call it a ghost. I did once speak to someone who knew a number of astral travellers in London who, by all accounts, all knew very well to fly wide of the bridge - which was the landmark outside my window. And it can't be argued that all kinds of human misery and deprivation had happened over the years in the walls of those buildings so whether it was cause or effect I wouldn't like to say.
Anyway, I got rid of him in the end. And I have never experienced the like again. So that's good.:) And when my Son moves into a new place if he gets any odd feelings he rings me and says 'Muuum, do you think I need some sage? I mean, its no Fido...'