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( Emma's and Skylar's outfits ☝️) ( Emma has no purse and the necklace or whatever that is ☝️)

( Sunday) (8am)

-Emma's POV-

I wake up sitting up and look towards the chair Skylar is supposed to sleep at but she's not there.

Where is she? I question pulling the blankets off of me and set my feet on the ground but I kick something.

Ow I hear and I look down to see Skylar, what are you doing down there? I question.

You kicked me in the face she says standing up holding her cheek, sorry, I didn't mean too I replie.

What you doing down there? I ask, I didn't wanna sleep on the chair she says.

You could have slept in your bed with me I tell her, she shakes her head it's fine, really she replies.

We hear the door open Emma, Skylar, mom told me to tell you two that breakfast is ready and we leave in 30 minutes Dani says.

Okay, we'll be right up Skylar says back and we hear the door close, let's get ready she tells me walking past me.

After we're ready we head upstairs walking into the kitchen morning you two Mrs Cimorelli says.

Morning Mom Skylar says sitting down and starts eating, morning Mrs Cimorelli I replie with everyone going past me.

Your plate is next to Skylar's she tells me, thank you I say sitting next to her and start eating.

After we're done Skylar puts mine and her plate in the sink let's go everyone dad tells us while we walk out of the kitchen.

Okay, is everyone ready? Mom ask walking up to me fixing Skylar's hair, mom! She whines.

Oh, it's not bad she tells her walking off so I give Skylar a small smile while she blushes in embarrassment.

It's okay, my mom does the same thing to me too I tell her and she gives me a small smile.

Let's go! Mr Cimorelli says walking past us so we walk out with everyone, we get in the car while I'm next to the window and Skylar is next to me.

Lauren and Dani are sitting in the back with us and I guess Dani took Lauren's phone.

Dan, give it back! Lauren yells grabbing it from her, Skylar sighs rolling her eyes a little while Dani trying to take Lauren's phone again.

Dani! Lauren yells while they fight over the phone, guys will you stop! Mrs Cimorelli yells with Lauren pulling her hand away from Dani and gets Skylar in the face.

What the heck! Skylar yells holding onto her eye, you okay? I ask while she holds onto her eye.

Yeah, it's just pain she replies,sorry Sky, it's Dani's fault Lauren tells her while we take off to church.

( After church)

-Skylar's POV-

We get back to the house so what you wanna do? I ask Emma, maybe, study she replies while we walk in.

I sigh I don't wanna study I tell her, well, we couldn't yesterday so today we have to she says while I groan going downstairs.

Come on, then after we can do something fun she tells me, okay, I guess so I mumble while I sit down at my chair.

Come on she says handing me my backpack so I grab it and we start studying.

( After their done)

Okay, now we can do whatever she tells me, finally I say getting up.

While we were studying we decided to change our clothes, what do you wanna do? I ask her.

She thinks for a second we can go to the board walk she says, okay, let's go I replie while we head upstairs.

We get to the top where you two going? Dani ask, you're not going I tell her.

What, why? She questions, hey where you two going? Mom ask.

To the boardwalk I replie, why don't you take Dani and Christian she tells me.

I sigh okay, come on you two before we leave you I tell them walking out of the house with Emma.

( At the boardwalk)

Okay Dani, Christian, here's 30 bucks go do whatever and meet us here in 2 hours I tell them handing them the money.

Okay they say walking off, Dani, keep a eye on Chris I tell her, yeah, okay she replies so I sigh.

What do you wanna do first? I ask Emma, we can go on the farris wheel she replies.

Okay, let's do that I say while we walk up to the line for the farris I hate my siblings I mumble while she giggles.

Lauren got you good even though it was on accident she says touching my eyebrow.

Yeah well, I don't care, it happens quite often with a big family like mine I tell her.

You guys fight like that all the time? She questions, I scoff all the time, sometimes it's worse but it's okay cause we make up after a while I replie while it's our turn so we get on the ferris wheel.

We get off the ferris wheel and decided to go into the arcade and start playing with the games.

Wanna play air hockey? I ask Emma, sure she replies so I put in the coins while she grabs the puck and it turns on.

I'm gonna win she says smirking, don't be to cocky I replie also smirking while we start playing.

After we're done and I won so I look at her I told you not to be to cocky I tell her smirking.

Retry she says looking at me, are you sure? I question and she nods.

Okay I replie putting in the coins and it starts, I walk to my side and before I know it she hits the puck and it goes into my end.

You little cheater I say laughing taking it out and set it on the table while she's smirking.

After we're done she looks at me I won! She yells, nice game Mademoiselle I replie wrapping my arm around her shoulder while we walk out.

I'm not that bad she says while we sit under the roller coaster because no one isn't around.

I know your not I replie but really I let her win just to make her happy, we should take random pictures she says taking her phone out.

Alright I replie while I pose and she takes the picture, after a couple pictures later I grab her phone from her my turn I say holding it up and about to take a picture of her but I hold it down by my side just looking at her.

She looks back at me with the same look so I step closer to her and she grabs me by my hoodie pulling me in close to her and she kisses me.

I kiss back putting my hand on her thigh, we pull away from each other staring each other in the eyes laughing.

Chapter 22 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So Emma accidentally kicked Skylar in the face when she woke up and when they got back to Skylar's house they studied and they went to the boardwalk with Dani and Christian, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out

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