Truth Be Told

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Amaryl was an obedient person. She will do as she was instructed. Her loyalty had been tested time and time and she would prevail every trial.

But there was also a fact to remember, Amaryl was also her family's daughter.



You're walking on thin ice, Amaryl. A nostalgic voice whispers. Instead of discouraging her, it steels her resolve even more. Surprising, even to her, so she did get influenced. It was the little detail she found amusing.

"Pardon me for my rudeness," she stopped exactly 5 steps away and made a curtsy. "I am aware the time is of madame's private time, but I have something to ask of madame."

The grapevine has told her as a woman entering her late forties yet still possess her appearance of her prime youth. Beauty struck at the faintest smile. Her eyes show softness and compassion.

To whom exactly she cast them upon?

"There's no need to be shy, dear. Come now, you are the person who saved my daughter's life. I will listen what you have to say."

It was faint yet she could detect the detachment in the tone. If she wasn't in this kind of situation, she might have chuckled at the nostalgic feeling. It reminded her of not far-off memory.

As such, she knew what to come yet still took her stand against it. It's somewhat ironic really.

"-I understand to have passed my boundaries with such actions but madame, how should I interpret my findings? Madame is wise, I dare asked for madame's guidance on how should I conclude this issue."

With a pleasing voice, the answer was given, and the verdict was dropped.

Cast into the darkness once more, welcome the home you made years ago.

And it seems she has company this time.

How lovely.


More than one, less than three.

That's how long it took before the illusion broke. She should've felt betrayed and hurt by but strangely, she didn't. Oppositely, her heart became light and filled with relief. To be truth, she was nervous after the first month passed.

Things were too good. Too good. Too good for her. It frightens her if she lets herself go, it'll bit her back a hundred-folds.

She began to suspecting things but never voice her craze theories to anyone. Different from being a teaching of her family, more of a friend's principal.

Innocent until found guilty. With solid evidences and witnesses to testify.

Wonderful, don't you think?

Yet they never said she can't simply ask the very person of the issue. Said person could serve as both proof and witness all together, don't you agree?

Madame Roselle had no intention to hide, lie or drag someone by the nose. She was asked and answered truthfully.

At the very least, Amaryl could appreciate the honesty.

Since her anger could burned a thousand night for her own foolishness.


Amaryl admit, thankfully, her current situation wasn't the worst-case scenario she had thought off. While limited, there was enough space for her to stretch her legs despite having eight other occupants in the cell. Speaking of which, none of them, moreover the adults visibly trust her. She could just smell the wariness from them.

It's understood with her thrown in while having her work clothes on. Having a former worker joining their cell probably wasn't even a strain thought in their mind.

Then again, she wouldn't care less what they thought. It's enough they didn't vent their anger on her.

Other than that, there was no bed nor natural lightning. Both she was fine without while it won't be good for the other's health. She noted one of the women had a bad back and another have unhealthy skin. She doesn't know how long they were held here but it'll be a matter of time before the children to show similar symptoms.

They were lucky they were at least being supplied the essential to stay alive. While water was prepared for their leisure, food was served once every two days and bath comes weekly.

Some of the occupants bemoan of their injustice while justified, Amaryl personally think they should be more grateful how the resources weren't cut. It won't be unusual to discipline the prisoners. More like, it confused her how punishment wasn't being served even when insults or disruption were thrown. The guards would scold, sneer and taunt but they would never raise a hand on them. Not even a single flick on the forehead.

She's curious which business the family was involved with. At first, slavery, human trafficking, even human sacrifices come to mind. Over time, most of it were crossed out from the list.

She sighs, only time will tell.


"What are you doing, Alys?!"

"Alys, come back here!"

"That brat works for them kidnappers! You shouldn't go near one of them, Alys!"

Despite various warnings about her were tossed in air. It didn't stop the small, shaky hands from stretching out, offering her a thin blanket which she smiles and turned down.

Amaryl insisted. "It would be better if you used it, child."

The girl quivered before nodding her head and walked back to her group who huddled themselves at the corner. They look healthy with clean skin and decent clothes.

But make no mistake,

Appearance doesn't always reflect one's life. Just a way to cover up, making a nice image for one's own.

She turned her eyes to the person who she once upon a time looked up as akin to a motherly figure.

Grief was seen in her eyes. "Oh, sweetie. Thing's shouldn't have to be this way."

Amaryl shook her head. "Curiosity killed the cat."

"But you were smarter than this." Miss Marla tut. "I know you are."

Amaryl didn't reply. More like, there was nothing to say. She already made a choice and the verdict went through. Why bother afterwards?

Stubborn. The older woman could only sigh and turns to leave the basement. Not without giving a final wording.

"You should have turned a blind eye, sweetie."

The door shuts and the guards took back their position.

Amaryl couldn't believe the words the woman had just uttered. Ludicrous! The nerve to say such action to her. True, Amaryl was a fool. Had been from the start. She, herself choose to be blind until dreams began to haunt her.

This- this wasn't what she had been taught. The face in the mirror was not supposed to be hers. She whispers, trying to get a hold of herself, a reminder she should never forget.

Don't get yourself lost to a poor illusion.

Behold the truth you believe in with dignity.

Held it tight while give effort to understand another's own.

They were the words of her family. Words she chooses to carry. Even as a disgrace, Amaryl could only make do to repent.

In that way, she would be contributing to the family, no?

[Published: 29 March 2019]
[Revised: 6 Oct 2019]

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