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(Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Click.)

You: (Yawns)

I woke up from the sound of my alarm. I legit didn't want to get up, so I closed my eyes to go back to sleep. I don't care if I'm late for school, I just need some sleep.

After I closed my eyes, a few seconds later, I heard my phone started to ring. I opened my eyes slowly and grabbed my phone. I answered it without looking at who was calling me.

You: Hello?

Dahyun: Loser~!

Oh great, it's my girlfriend. Ugh, here we go.

You: Oh hey, what's up?

Dahyun: Come over to my house, ASAP.

You: What for?

Dahyun: So we can have the whole morning to hang out.

You: Oh... okay...

Dahyun: Get ready quickly! I'll see you soon.

You: Yeah...

Dahyun hung up the phone. I put my phone down and thought if I should get up or not. The old me would get up for her, so I guess I have to. I forced myself to get up and grabbed my clothes from my drawer and did my morning routine a little bit faster than usual.


I arrived at Dahyun's house and knocked on her door. The door quickly opened and I was greeted by her. She gave me a big hug and I hugged her back.

Dahyun: You're here!

You: Of course I am.

Dahyun pulled me closer to her. We made out passionately for a while and then pulled away. She smiled at me and I gave her a fake but believable smile.

Dahyun: Come in! Let's cuddle on the couch.

You: Okay, yeah.

Dahyun grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I sat on the couch and Dahyun sat on my lap. She laid her head on my chest and I put my arms around her. She turned the TV on and then she kissed my chin.

Dahyun: I love you loser.

You: I love you too...

I said that in a low and annoyed voice. It seems like I didn't fake my voice, so Dahyun noticed.

Dahyun: Are you okay?

You: Yeah, I am...

Dahyun: You sure? You seem annoyed?

You: No, it's not that. I'm just very sleepy.

It's true what Dahyun said, I am getting annoyed. But it's true what I said too, I am very sleepy.

Dahyun: Oh, I probably should've let you rest some more. I'm sorry.

You: It's fine, at least I can spend time with you...

Dahyun: Aww, you're so sweet loser.

She cupped my cheek and kissed my lips. Each kiss slowly gets worst and worst. But I have to fake that I like it and deal with it. For her.

I then felt my eyelids get heavy. I tried to stay awake but couldn't, and my eyelids dropped.

(Dahyun's POV)

I continued watching TV with my lovely loser. I then heard soft snores coming from him. I looked at him and noticed he was asleep.

Dahyun: Aww (Giggles)

I kissed his chin and snuggled closer to him and fell asleep too.

(Your POV)

You: Mmm...

I woke up from my nap and noticed that I was in Dahyun's house. I also noticed that she was sleeping on me too. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked the time; It was 9:30am. School has started and we missed first period.

To be honest, I don't care at all, I'm gonna get more shut eye. I closed my eyes again and tried to go to sleep. A minute later, I heard Dahyun inhale loudly and I could feel her stretch on me. She moved some more a little bit.

Dahyun: Oh no... Loser~

She shook me a little and tried to wake me up. I pretended that I was asleep the whole time and pretended that she woke me up and then stretched.

You: Yeah?

Dahyun: We need to go, it's 9:30am. We missed first period.

You: Oh shoot, really?

Dahyun: Mhm, we should probably get going before we miss second period.

You: Yeah... Okay...

Dahyun: Let's go loser.

Dahyun kissed my cheek before getting off of me and turning the TV off. I got up as well and we both put our backpacks on. We held hands as we exited her house and walk to school.

(Timeskip to the end of the day)

Me and Dahyun were able to get to our second period and then finish the rest of the school day.

I was walking outside, where all the buses were at. People who getting on their buses and everywhere was filled with chatter. I didn't want to ride the bus with Dahyun today, I'd rather walk home. I just want to think a little bit.

While walking, I heard fast footsteps coming up from behind. I turned around to see who was running and saw that it was Dahyun.

Dahyun: Loser~!

She jumped up and hugged me. I almost fell backwards but was able to maintain my balance. I hugged her back and she showered me in kisses.

Dahyun: You want to hang out at my place again?

You: Um...

The old me would say yes, for sure but, I want a break.

You: Sorry but, I'm walking home today.

Dahyun: Aww~

Dahyun gave me a sad face.

Dahyun: How come?

You: I just need to think a little.

Dahyun: About?

You: Oh nothing, just school and stuff. I want to switch one of my classes with a different class but I need to think about what I'm going to say to my counselor that would convince her to switch my class.

Dahyun: Oh, okay. Well then,

Dahyun kissed my lips.

Dahyun: I'll see you tomorrow then.

She let go of me and went on her bus. Thank god! I started walking away and started thinking about me and Dahyun.

I don't know what's going on with me. Why don't I like Dahyun back? What happened? She's so pretty and she's fun to be around... or she used to be fun to be around, but I can't seem to love her the way I used to love her.

What's wrong with me?

My Bully (3): Twice Dahyun x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now