LTS Cyber Security Analytics

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LTS Secure Intelligence Driven SOC is integrated Context-aware Security protection platforms that provides and integrate prediction, prevention, detection and response capabilities by leveraging adaptive security framework.

LTS Secure Intelligence Driven SOC is an integrated Stack of Security Solutions – Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM), & , Privilege Identity Management (PIM), (UEBA) and Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), which is built on Security Big Data. LTS Secure's Intelligence Driven is the only SOC, which can correlate Device Events, Identity, Access and Context together to predict advance risks and threats across all IT layers. LTS Secure's Intelligence Driven SOC has inbuilt capability of Security Analytics, which collects events from all integrated security solutions to conduct analytics on User Behaviors, activities, security events & threats and Identities.

LTS Cyber Security Analytics

LTS Secure advanced User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) provides context to behavioral analysis, which makes it easier to identify internal security threats and find individual offenders. LTS Secure UEBAs allow for quicker detection by using machine learning and mathematical algorithms to detect insider threats.As the name implies, helps businesses detect targeted attacks, financial fraud, and insider threats.It is generally used to analyze users as they may have intentions to steal sensitive information of your business.LTS Secure User Entity Behavior Analytics provides architecture with the breadth of Identity Access Intelligence to User Behavior Analytics, and the depth from cloud apps to on-premises behavior.
Use CaseBenefitsIdentify New Privileged AccountsIt can be challenging to ensure appropriate access rights and keep track of users. LTS Secure helps you automatically monitor and report on the creation of privileged accounts and the elevation of permissions.Track Data Access & RetreatWhen a compromised user account or a rogue insider finds their way to sensitive data, you need to know. Our analytics can help you detect when a user inappropriately accesses protected data.Account Hijacking & Privileged Account AbuseQuickly detect compromised accounts and gain full visibility into threats associated with privileged accountsCloud Application CompromiseGain holistic visibility surrounding access and activity for applications (on-premises or in the cloud) for users and gain insights into misuse or abuse of these applications.Unusual Behavior: User, Device, & ApplicationIdentify threats and anomalies associated with users and other entities within your organization: User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)Malware Detection & Lateral MovementDetect malware and other threat actors as they move laterally within your network and communicate with internal and external C&C servers.Identity and Risk AnalyticsIncrease identity misuse and compromise detection and deterrence with self audits to third party contractors, partners, suppliers, buyers and consultants.

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