Tiffanyandhergroupstartstobeattoupbypushing me in thelockerscausing me tofall.Theystarttostompmeandthrowstuffatme.
Hey! Stop that" I hear a female voice shout. Suddenly Tiffany and her group stops and runs away.
"Hey, areyouOK?"
........................... "Hey are you OK?" The mysterious voice says. I look up to see the girl of my dreams. Becky, the president of smithsville, the captain of the wrestling team, my crush and weakness. I never told anyone about my love for Becky because it's too much.
"Umm..."I nervously say before running off to class. My face is too red and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of Becky. I make it to class and sit in my desk. Mr. Lockford, my communications teacher is giving a lecture about whatever like he always does. After hours of journalism and public relations, the bell rings, meaning that its time for me to go to counseling.
As I'm walking, I spot Becky getting things out of her locker which is a few blocks away from me. I go to my locker when I notice Becky staring at me shortly before she walks over to me. I'm hella nervous right now so I keep my head down. " Hey Y/n, um.. I just.. wanted to know if you were ok ran out on me." Becky says. I slowly look up to a soft smile from the Irish girl. "I-I'm o-ok I-I g-guess.. t-tha-thank y-you" I say quietly. I always get so nervous around her. "Your welcome peach" Becky says then winks at me. She walks away and leaves me speechless. "I need to get to class." I say to myself.
1. Does Becky like y/n back? ~New characters~
Becky (I love her so much)
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Mr. Lockford ( I had too, this story needs more black people)
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Imma be up all night with smile and other things so stay tuned.