Chapter 1

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Lillianna's POV

"Wakey,wakey eggs bakey" jace said"nooooooo"I whined"We have school"he said "5 more minutes" "well then" and i drifted off  to sleep........
I was drendinto cold ice water"What th- "hahahahahaha now get up we have sch aa" he said and walked out    "urghhhhhhhhhh" I went to get ready I wore a navy blue shirt which go above my belly button showing off my belly piercing with my tattoos,leather jacket and skinny jeans,black sneakers.Went downstairs ate it my dad came downstairs and said "what is it?" "Come on you'll it" s went he opened the garage door and in saw 2 Lamborghinis and a ducati
first Lamborghini is white
While the other is black "And Liliana your racing car" it was gorgeous it was black and navy blue. Thank you
So much dad"I said went back home and ran stairs to my room put chewing gum,gummy bear packet and packet and went downstairs hop on my ducati with a chewing gum in my and drove off jace was following me from behind we reached there and we
to the parking lot and parked are vehicles their and I hop of my ducati and walk to the main office guys gi ving me flirty looks while girls giving looks smirked and went to the main ss a girl with maroon hair with her dressing sense she may be a hipster girl she wore a red T-shirt and White skinny jeans white sneakers "um I'm sorry" she said "don't get scared with me I won't hit you or anything" I said and asked were the main office was and she said she would show me and I inside a lady with glasses sat theredoing something in her phone"hi I'm new here and wanted my schedule" she ignored and kept on ch atting with someone in her phone I slammed my fist on her desk making her flinch "I said I am new here and wanted my schedule didn't you
hear"she nodded her head and started typing in and giving me my schedule she said" h-here it i-s have a n-nice day"I nod and walk out"hwy what what took you so long""the lady didn't hear me so I had to teach her a lesson"she nodded and smiled and said "we have literature, l,English and gym together with katylin" I just nod ed asked "is she also a hipster like yo u" she nodded we went for literature m"et with a purple dyed hairgirl "Oh hey I'm katylin""hey you didn't introduced yourself"the purple ac girl said " Afterworse"I said and smirked I sat at the back with them and b my feet on the desk and started playing to angry birds a slutty teach walked in and she started yelling to pay attention to what she's teaching i lo oked up bored and said "what?"" Come and
d introduce yourself"I sighed and went in front of the teachers desk and jumped and stood on it "Yo guys I'm Marie Thompson"the whispers started " and as you can see me and the principal have the same lastnames he is uncle and that does not mean I'm gonna act differently and don't treat me differently that's all"
Ashton's POV

I went to school in my black bullet bike went to class met my buddies Ryan gold Jason brown went b my first period and found a new girl sit ing at back and on her phone her feet plopped on the desk she has dirty a hair and blue eyes just like
mine after teacher yelling to her to come and introduced herself she went stood on the teachers desk and "Yo e I'm Liliana Marie Thompson "
gasped and she said that the principal'cs her unncle and to not st her different even she wouldn't and said came from Italy yesterday it self and whole class started clapping all of the boy's stood and started whistling and clapping I just rolled my eyes and the bell rang and the day I left to home

A/N:-yellow guys whasupp and vote,comment and share and also ; and if any type of mistakes just say  and guys my keyboard is working well  so i'm sorry for the mistakes once again im really,really sorry and BYE guys TTYL

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