• four •

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Hi guys!! I literally didn't realize that it's been a week since I lasted updated this fic ajdhs I'm sorry, I've been focusing on my exam and now it has ended already and it's also school holiday so I spend my school holiday with sleeping all day till I get migraine haha. Btw, things been really hard for me that I feel like jumping off the building... so maybe... I just wanna seek... for some supportive or comfort words from you guys... if you guys don't mind. Love you all so much, happy reading!!

2 weeks later...

2 weeks seemed like 2 days for them.

A lot of things went by in a speed of lightning.

And as times went by... they realized that they've been receiving lots of love from their fans around the world. They appreciated it so much that they felt like doing this and that to make their fans happy.

Yeonjun decided to do a VLive broadcast that night. He wanted to do it with Soobin, but sadly he wasn't there with him because he got some work to do.

' Annyeonghaseyo everyone! It's Yeonjun, Tomorrow By Together oldest member! and a cutie! ' Yeonjun said then did a peace sign cutely but then got embarrassed by himself.

' ahh how do I say... Through these past weeks, we've been receiving lots of love from our fans that we really appreciate it. You guys be supporting us, cheering for us, loving us... I feel so loved and I've never felt like this before. My friends also be praising me *laughs* My parents... they all always give me supportive words, like how you guys do to us. I love you guys so much, that I feel like dying aaa. ' said Yeonjun while rolling on his bed.

Then someone knocked on the door. It's Hueningkai and Taehyun.

' oh it's our maknaes! Come here come here ' said Yeonjun.

' Annyeonghaseyo everyone!! ' said both of them.

' where's Beomgyu? ' asked Yeonjun.

' ah he's producing some songs in his studio, it's ok don't mind him *laughs* *yeonjun hit him afterward* ' said Taehyun.

' yes this two guy really, really, really, we need to do something with them ' said Yeonjun while laughing.

They all just laughed at each other.

' where's Soobin hyung, hyung? ' Hueningkai asked.

' he got some work to do, you know, he's a leader ' said Yeonjun then pouting his lips.

' you miss Soobin hyung, hyung? ' asked Taehyun all of the sudden.

Both Yeonjun and Hueningkai were shooketh.

' No!! Why would I miss him, haha ' Yeonjun replied then read the comments.

Hueningkai just laughed at both of them.

' I think we should end this VLive right now, annyeong! We love you guys, stay warm and stay hydrated! ' said Yeonjun then turned off the VLive.

' ah hyung!! Why turned off the VLive, it was short af :( ' said Taehyun.

' yah! Did you just curse to me?! ' asked Yeonjun.

' akdhs I'm sorry. Hueningkai taught me that word. Blame him. ' Taehyun replied.

Hueningkai just went ' Hehe '.

' I had to... because wtf did you asked me if I miss Soobin or not? ' Yeonjun also cursed at Taehyun.

Hueningkai were just watching and laughing at them.

So both Yeonjun and Taehyung were bickering like the end of the day was just around the corner.

' Btw hyung... do you wanna know something...? ' said Hueningkai.

' What it is? Tell me Tell me ' said Yeonjun.

' I think... manager hyung nim... likes Soobin hyung... ' Hueningkai replied.

Taehyun also surprised.

' WHAT? HOW TF DO YOU KNOW ' Yeonjun shouted.

' yah hyung! Can you stop cursing my ears hurt ' said Hueningkai.

Yeonjun just sighed.

' Manager hyung nim just asked me... that if it's true that you and Soobin hyung are dating... I said No, of course... but then he said he's gonna... make... Soobin... his... idk why tf I must be the one who heard that... ' Hueningkai said.

Yeonjun just went silent.

' do you guys wanna know something too? ... Soobin been really busy these day... that we couldn't even spend time together anymore... I've also been wondering if manager hyung nim likes him, because he's been eyeing Soobin for a long time... I mean... right after we debuted... *sighs* ' Yeonjun replied.

' really hyung? *sighs* ' both Hueningkai and Taehyun said.

They felt so pity toward Yeonjun.

' I know that, manager hyung nim is good looking, tall... I might need to let Soobin go one day... I've never been a good man for him too... ' said Yeonjun while just looking at the floor.

' what are you doing hyung?! You can't just give up too easily! Not now and never! You've been crushing on him since ages but then you wanna let him go after you figured out that manager hyung nim likes him too? This is not what you supposed to do! You both love each other, and that's love. Manager hyung nim might be there to separate both of you, but you can't let that happen. Can you understand that, hyung? ' said Taehyun. Hueningkai just listened and nodded.

' yes I understand... ' said Yeonjun then sighed.

' it's late already, you must be tired, hyung... go sleep and take a rest. We will also be sleeping, goodnight hyung ' said Hueningkai, then dragged Taehyun out of the room.

' what should I do... if Soobin doesn't love me anymore... will I still feel loved because it's incomplete without Soobin's love...? ' said Yeonjun while lying on his bed then slowly closed his eyes.


I didn't mean to make this chapter like this ajdhs but I promise to make an exciting chapter next! Thanks for reading, do comment and vote, thank you so much !! 💓💗

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