Chapter 1

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We go outside, People running and screaming. "Might want to keep that time stone in your back pocket doc.". Then doc does the wooshy thingy. "Might want to use it". "Awesome" i mumble. There's this big ass space craft in the middle of New York. i have a really bad feeling. Two ugly ass alien thingy beam down. "Hear me and rejoice, your about to die at the hands of the children of thanos." I cut him off. "Dude your fugly". He ignores me and keep going. "Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing-." But my dad cut him off. "I'm sorry, earth is closed today. you better pack it up and get outta here." 

Like father like daughter. "Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?". "Oooo he's going to do magic hands". I hit Bruce's arm excitedly "certainly not. I speak for myself (bang bang whoosh) your trespassing in this city and on this planet". "It means get lost squidward" i say. The bigger one starts to come towards us. Bruce is struggle to hulk out. "Dude your embarrassing me in front of the wizard." "I'm- i- cant". "It's okay you just stay right there, you take care of him. You ready?" Dad asks me "hell yea!"

We both tap Buttons and the suit forms around us. And blast the big dude away. "Where did that come from?!" Bruce asked in shock. "You like? I made it." I say "it's nanotech-." Then dad gets blasted into the hair by the spongebob neighbor, looking freak. "Oof that look liked it hurt" i say, "okay doc, guess it up to us." He nods, the alien picks up a slab of rock and throws it at us, dad came back down in the superhero pose and threw it back. Dad grabbed me and flew me up to a building.

"What the hell dad?? The fight is that way". I try to go back but he stops me. "Y/n you need to go. I can't risk you getting hurt. I just got you back." "Dad i cant leave you, i have a bad feeling about this-." "Exactly! That's why your staying here." He put these hand cuffs on me. Ones that block my powers. " dad don't do this! dad please! DAD!" He flew away "fuck fuck fuck!! I need to get out of here" i wiggles and pull on my hands as are as i can and then the cuff break. I jump up and fly the opposite way my dad went. Something very bad is going to happen, and if there's a war. We need a few soldiers.

Time Skip——- Wanda and Vision fight
3rd POV
Wanda struggles to fight off both of Thanos soldiers, a weird sound goes by and then a train. Everyone looks over, in between trains, there's a shadow. The alien threw here spear, and he caught it. Blah blah blah they fight, and get Wanda and Vision out of there. They fly back to New York, Wanda, Natasha, Steve, and Vision walk into the facility and Sams in the phone with the Secretary of State. "Arrest them" "on it" Sam hangs up. "It's great to see you cap" they hug.

"Wow you guys really look like crap.". Sam say.
"I think you guys look great" Bruce walks in from around the corner. "Uh yea I'm back". Then there was the awkward as moment, y/n crashed through the roof and i landed in the superhero pose. She tried to catch her breathe, "S-Steve- we- h-have a p-problem".

Bruce and i explains everything. "Steve you need to understand, i d- don't think we-. We can't do this alone." Bruce chimes in "We need all hands on deck? Where's Clint?" "After the whole accord situation him and scott took a deal. It was too hard on there families, there on house arrest." Nat tells him. "Who's scott?" "Ant-Man" Steve says "There's an Ant-Man and  a Spider-Man?" I cut him off . "Focus please, Thanos has the biggest army in the Universe, and he's not going to stop until he gets Visions stone." I say.

"Then we have to protect it" Nat says, "no we have to destroy it" we all look over at Vision. He explained that there was no way for us to protect it and that destroying it was best. That one life shouldn't stand in the way of defeating him. But we all agreed that killing him is not an option. Bruce said there was a way of removing the stone and keep Vision alive. "Can you do that?" Nat asked "Not me, and Not here" Bruce says. "Steve..." i look at him. And he got what i was saying "i know somewhere".

Everyone got loaded onto the jet, i stayed back for a second to check on dad. I called but he didn't answer, again and again he didn't answer. "Hey FRIDAY, Where's my dads suit located?" "tracker has not yet been installed". Fuck i forgot he just made the suit. "Where are you dad?" I look up in the sky and a tear escapes. I decide to call Peter too just to check up but he doesn't answer, he's on a field trip so i didn't worry much. I texted him. "Hey Pete, i just wanted to say thank for staying. I just have a really bad feeling about this, i can't risk you getting hurt. I care to much. I'll be back as soon as i can."

"Hey kid, ready?" I took one more deep breathe and turned around. "Yea, lets go". "We will win this kitty, we got this." I give a fake smile. There's something wrong. I can't figure it out but......this is bad.  But Wakanda Here we come.

The flight to Wakanda was shorter than i expected. Steve says he's friends of the King. Black Panther. "Should we bow?" Bruce's asked Sam. "Mhm?" Bruce starts bowing and i try to hold in my laughs "uh, we don't do that here"
"How big are we expecting" the king says "uh-sir i think you should expect quite a big assault" Bruce frantically walks near him. "You will have my Kingsguard, the boarder tribe, and Dora Milaje, and-." He stops "a semi-stable 100- year-old man". Bucky walks out.
"Buck?" I say shocked. Steve and him hug, he walks over to me. "Hey kid, been i while."

Bucky left before i went away to boarding school. I never knew why. "I've missed you" we hug. "I missed you too." "How you been buck?" Steve says, "uh, not bad, for the end of the world".  We go upstairs, "this is my sister Shuri" she looks at me and waves, shes young, looks my age. Vision lays down and she starts by scanning his head. "The structure is Polymorphic". She said. "Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce explained. "Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively" shuri and i said that same time then looked at each other shocked.

Bucky laughs "ha nerds". I glare at him. "Because we didn't think of that" Bruce just got showed up by 2, sixteen year old girls.
"Can you do it?" Nat chimed in. "Yes but it will take time". I look at Steve. "We don't have time". "How long?" He asked shuri . "As long as you can give me". And on queue an alarm went off  "somethings entered the atmosphere". "Shit". I mumble to myself. This is one of the parts he told me about. "Thor... Thor i need Thor!" I remembered something . "Why?" Steve looks at me along with everyone else.

"Asgard, hes Asgardian, i need one of his men, they can explain what my teacher didn't, they found help us fix all of this!" I got excited but no one else did. Bruce starts walking towards me. "Y/n, Thor is um,..... I'm not sure how to say this- Asgard has fallen. When Thors sister Hela destroyed the planted, they took refuge on a ship- that this was blow Thanos." And just like that, the tiniest hope i had left was gone. I couldn't act like it though, i have to believe in my team. "Oh, okay, uh, well we still got this!" Then sam starts speaking into the ear piece.

"Hey cap i think we got a situation here" we look out the window and see space crafts crashing outside of the boarders. "It's too late, we have to destroy the stone now." Vision tries to sit up. "Vision get your ass back on the table". "We will hold them off" they King with the very sexy accent says. "Wanda, as soon as that stones out of his head, you blow it to hell". "Evacuate the city, engage all defensive, and somebody get this man a shield" T'Challa says. "Uh what happened to your shield?" I ask as we walk out. "Long story, I'll tell you later.". If we live that long. "Where do you think my dad is?" I ask while we grab weapons.

"Probably somewhere kicking ass". I smile "language." I grab my stuff and walk away laughing.  We are on jets going to the end of the boarder and i see Iron Hulk. "Who gave Iron to Bruce" i ask while rubbing my Temples. "Me why?" I point down. Nat talks into her ear piece "how we looking Bruce?" Hes running next to us " Wow! This is amazing, man! It's like being the hulk without actually-." He fell over a fucking rock and landed on his face. "That's why". I laugh. We get out right before the boarder, everyone lines up.

Nat, Steve, and T'challa went and spoke to the aliens. The top of the space crafts start to lift off, and they call come running back. "They surrender?" Buck asked. "Not exactly". "What the hell?" I say, these scary dog type things came. "Looks like we pissed her off" Nat says. A few start to escape the boarder. We stand our ground and fire from behind. They start to go around the barrier, we can't have them get closer to Vision. "On my signal, open North-west Section 17". He waits a little. "This will be the end of Wakanda" "then it will be the noblest ending in history". "Ready?" Nat whispers, i heat up my hands and fly up a little. "Hell yea". "WAKANDA FOREVER!"

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