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He waited until Chaeyoung had cried herself to sleep before carefully laying her exhausted figure down on his bed as he slipped out after conjuring himself some clothes.

They were temporary robes until he got back to his hut down the mountain but first, he needed to pay a certain deity a quick visit.


"I can't write this sonnet using the iambic meter, why did that uncultured philistine ask for such a thing, this is so stressful!" the Sun God grumbled in the shade of the pine tree.

 He tossed his golden locks with a huff. "Why cannot people understand that such demands are unreasonable on an artist's creative output?"

"Yeah, the strain can be really detrimental for inspiration to work, huh?" said a sympathetic voice from the branches.

"Precisely!" Apollon exclaimed as he tapped the quill pen on his scroll, "finally someone understands—wait what?"

The Sun God leapt away in fright as Jeongguk jumped to the ground in a flurry of leaves, his face black as thunder.

"Jeon! You're awake, welcome back—"

"I would have said thank you," Jeongguk snarled. His bandages were coming undone, revealing uneven patches of skin in various stages of healing but right now Joengguk didn't care that the cool mountain air stung. 

Right now all he saw in front of him was the panicking Sun God.

"I would have said thank you," Jeongguk said again, clenching his fists as they charged up with blue energy, "but seeing as you've been one awful parent to Chaeyoung, guess I'll have to bash your head in, instead."

"Jeongguk?" Apollon spluttered as he dragged himself backward on the grass with his wide eyes focused on the livid magician. "Jeongguk, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh me? I'm good." Jeongguk laughed, "but there just so happens to be this broken-hearted girl who lost everything, and she's wandering around in this place like a caged animal, being told she's an abnormality and that she doesn't belong....and that has me absolutely enraged."

Apollon ducked as Jeongguk's blast scorched the spot where the God had been seconds before.

"You. Are. A. Horrible. Father!" Jeongguk bellowed, punctuating each word with a blast as Apollon scrambled out of the way. Jeongguk advanced on the hapless god and brought his arms together, razing the ground with a sweep of his arms, as though he were swinging a sword. The wave of blistering heat made his eyes water but the Sun God dodged again.

Apollon flew into the air. "Jeongguk, stop, you're bleeding! I don't want to fight you! And you're not strong enough to be using your magic yet!"

"I DON'T CARE!" Jeongguk shouted, "you Gods had better apologise to Chaeyoung and DO something or I swear by the Oracle, I will take you all on, one by one!"

"Don't be rash, Jeon, we are trying our best to fix—"


Jeongguk soared into the air, summoning more energy as his clothes rippled in the rising wind. "I won't believe a single word out of your mouth until I SEE the results—"

"Jeongguk! Stop this madness!"

Below them Hecate suddenly appeared in a puff of smoke, accompanied by temple guards all with their spears aimed at him.

Hecate looking positively infuriated. "You've barely been awake for half a day and already you're causing trouble!"

"Oh excuse me your Witchiness, I was merely having a chat with daddy dearest," Jeongguk retorted sarcastically, "just telling him to man up and take responsibility for once!"

The Lonely God (Rosekook)Where stories live. Discover now