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Shikamaru didn't know what he was doing, and that was almost a first. He didn't know how to deal with two twelve or thirteen-year-olds and didn't know how to confess to someone.

Come up with a battle strategy? Sure. Play a game of shogi? Sure. Take care of two kids he doesn't know? No.

Himika had just dropped them off and left, leaving him with the two. He was also supposed to get them ready for school while still keeping up with his shinobi duties and his team. Just great.

"So, what do we do now?" The girl, Hinami, asked.

"Go get school supplies?" Shikamaru shrugged.

"Nothing else to really do." The boy, Kentaro, shrugged back.

"What a drag..."


Himika had always wanted to visit Suna, however, the amount of sand was both incredibly amazing and stupendously annoying. She'd never seen so much sand in her life, but then again, she never really wanted to. She only wanted to go to Sunagakure because the weather was apparently nice in the fall. But it was summer, and summer was a bitch when you're running through a desert country towards a village themed around -you guessed it- sand.

Himika had never really liked Gaara, although now she was thinking it was simply the sand she didn't like. It got everywhere. Thankfully though, the wind wasn't too bad, meaning she didn't get much sand in her clothes, hair and eyes. On the bright side, she wasn't the only one suffering.

"I hate the feeling of sand between my toes!"

"Stop whining Sakura," Naruto replied with a childish face. "We're shinobi, we wear open-toed sandals for kami's sake!"

"Oh shut up!" Sakura huffed. "You're not the one wearing heels!"

"And who's fault is that?" 

Sakura smacked Naruto in the back of the head, sending him face first into the sand. He got up spitting and scraping at his, giving Sakura a glare. Sakura just laughed, along with Kakashi. Himika shook her head, smiling at her team's antics. 

Only one person was missing...


Shikamaru honestly thought this would be worse. He also ended up guessing their ages wrong. Both of them were fourteen, only two years younger than himself and they showed a surprising amount of maturity. Especially since Kentaro basically did whatever Hinami said too. Shikamaru didn't know why, but Shikamaru was pretty sure he'd jump off a bridge if she said too. If Kentaro even stepped the slightest bit out of line, Hinami would smile at him and he'd shut up. Maybe Shikamaru was reading into the situation too much, but he swore that there was something between the two.

The three of them managed to get their school supplies without incident, and now, Shikamaru just had to show them where the Academy was located. While he was at it, he decided that he would introduce them to the man teaching the graduating class. 

"So, where are we going next?" Hinami asked, a bag hanging off her arm.

"We're going to stop at the Academy and introduce you to the teacher there." Shikamaru replied.

"What are they like?" Kentaro asked, carrying two other bags.

"He's nice, and pretty understanding," Shikamaru smiled. "He was my teacher, and Himika's teacher too."

"Why'd you bring Himika up?" Hinami asked, a suspicious look on her face.

"Because we've been friends for a while." Shikamaru huffed, looking to the clouds.

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