Being heartbroken

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August 10,2005 .
This is the day I was born.
You may be thinkin what does a thirteen year old know about life. I'll tell you. I know life is a struggle for all of us, but I promise we'll get through it. Let's fast forward to when I was 8 years old. On June 21, my sisters birthday an unfortunate thing happened to my family. My grandpa died. At the time my sister was 5 years old,and we did not know about it until later on that day. When we found out, we both were very young but incredibly sad about this. In life you'll get heartbroken by a tragic event on TV, a loss of a person you love, or losing someone you thought loved you. I don't know how else to communicate it but, life goes on. You can't sit around being broken your whole life wondering what to do. GET UP, STAND TALL AND MOVE ON. You can make a difference. Life is short, don't waste it on something this simple.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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