Part 3

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Joshs P.O.V

I could tell something was up with Gray the minute he walked into my room so I asked what what wrong and this is what he said
"I like y/n"
I was fine with that but I wanted to know when he was going to ask her because she is still under age ?

Little did they know that you were walking past when Gray said that he likes you, you were so suprised because you saw him nothing more that a friend and you thought felt the same.

y/n P.O.V

What ?!?!?! Grayson Dolan likes me but why me out of all the other girls in the world I don't know what to do ! Right to I can't tell anyone because gray  probably doesn't want me to know but like still why I'm still under age either way but I am nearly 18.

Graysons P.O.V

Thank god I got that of my chest I just hope y/n didn't hear I think she is out with her friends anyway
"Are you sure you're okay with that josh
" yeah Grayson you're a good boy and I bet an even better boyfriend "
"Thanks but I don't if I'm good enough for her "

My brothers best friend part 3

3:30 pm You decided to call Emma she is one of my friends and is also one of Grayson and Ethan's good friends surely I can tell her

y/n P.O.V  

Me and Emma are out wondering around and I decide to tell her
Can I tell you something please don't tell anyone though"
"Gray was talking to my brother earlier and Gray said that he likes me"
"Well how do you feel "
" I don't really know "
" I don't what to do should I ask him out ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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