Easier Said Than Done

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Chapter 1: Easier Said Than Done
Wither Right

I run, but I can't breathe, tears cover my vision in a fog. My heart hammers at my rib cage painfully; as if it wants to rip away from the things that hold it there and turn back the way I came, but I know I can't, I know if I go back they'd find me... I promised my parents every day of my life that if we were ever attacked, I would run without looking back, but I guess I never thought it would happen. Running away from all you've ever known is a lot easier said than done.

The cries of pain, the sound of bones cracking and jaws snapping keep me going; the sight of my father taking down each wolf that came near him or my mothers dead corpse slithers into my mind. My mothers eyes wide and staring right at me even though the light that was once there had already been taken away, I see the tears that escape my fathers eyes as he fights and tries to stay under control of his body and wolf; but I watch as he suddenly gives up and tumbles to his knees, I watch as he takes his final breath and falls the final length to the ground and lays next to my mother. Maybe if he knew I was alive... he would have fought harder. I should have shouted out to him, I should have run in to save him; I should have...

I trip over a fallen log and skid through the forest floor, my ankle cracking as it breaks from the impact; but I couldn't care less about it, it was only a dull ache compared to the excruciating pain that radiated from my heart.

Before I know it, I'm sitting up, rocking back and forth with my hands blocking my ears in hopes of drowning out the screams of pain or the voice in my head that blames everything on me.

"Go away" I whisper. "Please go away!" I shake my head, my blonde, mud covered hair falling into my face as I clench my eyes shut. The visions of fire and blood block out everything around me and it's because of that, that I don't hear the snap of twigs under multiple paws or the scent of other wolves entering my land.

Everything screams at me to either fight or run away, it was funny in that sense; my mother once told me that the saying 'fight or flight' was a good way to live through life. To fly away and leave the problems behind but my father never agreed to that, he would always tell me to keep my stance, situate a glare within my eyes and rip the throat out of anything that dares intrude, or try and dominate me or my pack.

Even though the idea of 'flight' seems more appealing to 'fight', I know that my father would look down on me in shame and though every ounce of strength in me has been shed with the tears, I know that even though I don't have a pack... This is still my land.

I stand and wince in pain as I register my broken ankle, I lean on my right leg and hop around in a circle in hopes of spotting the intruders through my glassy eyes before they spot me. Suddenly I'm surrounded by growling wolves, from my guess, there were about seven or so; even with the unfair advantage of seven to one, I knew I could take them all down with one leg and both my eyes closed.

From the corner of my eye, I spot a light brown shaded wolf, smaller than the rest and looking around at the other wolves before copying their actions and growling at me with slightly barred teeth. I watch his light green eyes dart from me to the others and soon figure him, to be the new arrival within the patrol squad that now surrounded me.

My eyes dart to the others before I lunge at the smaller wolf, I shift mid way through the air and cry out in pain as my body re-forms and announces the other painful injuries that accompany my body. In my best efforts, I tackle the smaller wolf to the ground and try my hardest to block out the pain that radiates through every bone and muscle that holds this form in it's shape. With one eye clutched shut in hopes of blocking out my thoughts; I push my paw into the ribs of the surprised newbie, I hear him whine and squirm underneath me as I redirect my white, shimmering paw onto the nerve situated between his ribs; the nerve that if pushed to it's limits, can kill the beats that sound from his heart.

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