Reality (old ass poem)

36 1 18

The moon shines and sparkles
Light glinting off the lake like a gem

My roses wilt into dark petals
The wind wandering away with them

I dance and sing among the graves
And stare at the people who cry

I dare not approach
Those people in black
In fear that a tear find my eye

I look at the sky
And reach to the ground
To find a small star in my hand

A fantasy world
With colors that swirl
And lure me farther from land

I gasp and I scream
As my fantasy leaves me
My starry eyes dim and grow grey

"Where have you gone
My childish wonder"
I cry out in pain and dismay

Then I see a figure
A woman above me
Made out of the roses I own

Her lips twist in a smile
Blood red eyes shine like fire
And long, rose petal hair windblown

"My child" she whispers
"Come here, take my hand"

A soft touch on my face
That returns me to land

She kisses my head
And sends me away

Enough with this reality
I will dream today

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