Chapter 14

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A/N sorry it took me so long to update this chapter. I've really been thinking a lot about it. And the Megan in the story is for my best friend, Megan (: her watt pad user name is @Polkaspot09 so go fan her!! :D And sorry, the beginning is very slow but it gets better.

**Eleanor's POV**

**Next Morning**

I sat up in my hotel bedroom. It was very lonely last night, considering Megan wasn't there. No jokes, no prank calls, no staying up until 4:00 in the morning. No fun. I feel so horrible, I know this is all my fault. It's always my fault.

I checked my phone to see the time, only to find that I had six unread messages. I opened them up, and the first couple were from Louis.

Hey, El. Me and the lads went for some breakfast at the place by the park. You can meet us there when you wake up xx <3

He is too sweet. I feel absolutely horrible lying to him. It's for his safety, though. I really have no other choice. I pulled up the next text. Of course, from him. I felt my eyes start to water, thinking that I will never make it tonight. You can do this, Eleanor. You can do this I reassured myself. I pulled open the text and began to read through the tears.

Didn't forget about our little "get together" tonight, did you?

I couldn't even think straight. The tears were threatening to spill over, but I couldn't let them. I had to stay strong for the ones I loved.

I slipped into some hollister jeans and threw on a normal t-shirt. I wasn't going to do much with my hair. It's not really that important if I'm just going to die, anyways. I brushed it out and threw it in a ponytail. I walked out the door and down to the lobby to get some breakfast.

"Eleanor!" I heard him right before I saw him.

"Louis!" I screamed back. I forced a fake smile on my face and went in for a hug. "How was breakfast?"

"Great!" Louis exclaimed.

"Well...I was just about to go to Starbucks to get some breakfast! So-"

"Great! I'll go with you!" He interrupted me. I guess I just wanted to be by myself...

"Great" we headed towards the car not saying a thing. Louis sat in the driver's seat, and I sat in the passenger seat.

" have you been holding up?" Louis asked me with a warm, gentle smile on his face.

I sighed. "Horrible. I miss Meg. I miss the fun times we've had. I'm so so so sorry for getting you boys into such a mess!" I rested elbow on the window. I pulled out my phone to find that I had 2 new messages. You could probably guess who the first one was from. It read:

Ahh, Eleanor. Ignoring me, huh? Lets see how your little friend likes that...

No! He can't take it out on Megan and Josh! I replied to him, saying:

I will be there tonight. Just DON'T hurt my friend.

I pulled open the other text and it was from Megan. MEGAN!

Josh. Me. Trunk. Help me El.

I can't believe she had the time to send that. She must be in his trunk. We arrived at Starbucks and sat down while Louis ordered our drinks. He brought them back to me and we drank our drinks in an awkward silence. We quickly drove back to the hotel, and the boys had to leave for an interview.

"My girlfriend, Danielle, she will be here in about 5 minutes. You can keep each other company. Alright love?" Liam explained. I nodded my head and sat down on my bed. The boys left for the interview, and I pulled out my phone to my twitter which I haven't been on for a while. My eyes immediately began watering at my mentions. Loads and loads of hate.

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