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*Aphrodite's POV*

I got in Ski's black Audi, and little did I know Trevor Jackson was in the back. If you don't know who that is, it's the guy who- nvm lemme just show you.

He played fake truth in let it shine

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He played fake truth in let it shine.

"Hi Trevor!" I said giving him a hug


"I haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?"

"I'm good how are you mamas."

"Great. How's gabby (H.E.R) purpp and them?"

"They're good. Gabby said she might adopt a girl."

"Really. That's so great!"

"Yeah I'd love having a kid running around the house."

"I'd love for the twins to have a cousin."


We arrived at an amusement park.

"Damn haven't been here in years."

"I know. I remember the time to made me go deaf cause you were so scared of the roller coaster." Dad said

"It was too y'all for an amusement park."

"You have to be 3 feet tall to ride."

"Whatever." I said getting out

*Star's POV*

Moon and I had plans to go to the mall with our friends. But the thing is Dad doesn't know yet. I lost to a game of Rock Paper Scissors. So I had to ask.

"Hey dad?"

"Yeah." He said looking up from his phone

"Can me and Moon go to the mall wit out friends today they invited us."

"Uhhh. Yeah sure."

"Thank you. See you later."

"Wait they're here already?"

"Yeah. To be honest I had a feeling you were gonna say yes."

"Just go before I change my mind. Be safe."

"I will bye."

I walked out of his room and down into the living room where Moon was waiting.

"What'd he say?"

"Yes. Come on."

I grabbed a jacket and left.

*Im the car*

"Hey guys." Moon and I said at the same time I hate when happens

"Hey." Lucy said
Her big brother Benny was driving which was very attractive. And who was 17.

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