Memories of her

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I can still hear him torturing her. He’s in here right now. He’s over there that tall black shadowy figure with the dark eyes of a demon always staring at me never taking an eye of me radiating an evil aura around itself creating an eerie atmosphere where ever I go. You are probably wondering who he is. Let me tell you something why is does the human body have built in fear of the others? Because when it senses them the body activates the defence mechanism fear so the individual flees. We are genetically built to avoid them. The only time we cannot flee they show themselves to us is in our nightmares. At that moment we can hear them we can feel them we can see them. This isn’t to say that they cannot show themselves to us while we’re awake. He is here because... because I invited him.

It all began when I decided to take up martial arts classes. I wasn’t physically very strong so I thought I would try practising a style that focused more on internal training. Coincidently I stumbled across a book on exactly that. The book spoke about something called chi-gong. I mainly practised the five animal frolics displayed in the book the fierce and untamed tiger, the steady and lumbering bear, the graceful dear, the agile monkey and the flying crane it was mainly holding a stance and chanting certain words which was to regulate flow of breathing as the words had to be pronounced at certain pace. The more I perfected the chanting the easier it felt. I would practise facing the rising sun under a tree. According to Islam that is where they burrow. They saw me then. They knew I was oblivious to my actions. After a few weeks of practising I could feel this energy around me it made me strong. But I had no idea what I was really doing. My body was slowly becoming his home.

I was motivated to become strong for my wife’s sake. Everyone used to look at her they all wanted her but I would not allow anything to happen to her. The more I practised the more powerful I became but at the same time I realised more and more people were after her. Which lead to more intense practising. It was poison. His energy was flowing in my veins I could feel it. I believed it to be chi, a crane flying swiftly around my body. I was harnessing the power of an untamed tiger. Yes it was working with each day I could feel my strength increasing. I ignored how unnatural my mind tried to convince me it was.

It wasn’t long before he wanted to communicate with me. Often in the middle of the night my eyes wide awake but my body disabled. I could see shadows moving around the room. Sometimes one would stop. The silhouette of his body is against the wall but there was no physical form in the room creating it. Then slowly his head began to peel away from the wall and his neck extended towards me till his face was directly in front of mine. His eyes were the only thing that had colour. They were dark brown. I hate those fucking eyes I want to gouge them out and burn them. Can’t you feel the immorality just from hearing about them? He opens his mouth and whispers to me “yer of thee edge the map now boy. ‘ere be monsters” I close my eyes and turn away before it all ends I hear a loud bang noise and its all over. There was no point in telling anyone they would just say it’s nothing more than sleep paralysis... But they were wrong.

Please let me know if I should write the ending

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2012 ⏰

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