Part 3

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"Okay here we are," Kendall says as he pulls up to the hospital with Logan and the baby and they were going to see about the little girl as well and see how she is doing as well

Kendall got Logan a wheelchair so he was comfy as they headed in with the baby in their arms

"Thanks, Kenny I needed that," Logan says as he was in the wheelchair as they headed in

Logan was rubbing his bump a little bit

"Soon we will see them and check you out too just in case the baby wants to come," Kendall says as he was going to check Logan in as well as the girls, and they had to decide on the names for the two as well

"Thanks, Kenny," Logan says as he was still rubbing his bump cause the baby was active for some reason or another

Kendall took Logan back to be examined and see about the girls as well

"Hey little one," Kendall says as he was holding the baby in his arms now

"She looks happy," Logan says as he was looking at her cause they were in the same room as the others

"Yeah, she is you wanna hold her?" Kendall asks him

"Sure come here sweetie pie," Logan says as he takes her in his arms

Kendall passed her over and Logan held her close

"She is so cute," Logan says as he was admiring her

"I know she is and I can't believe she is ours," Kendall says as he got the little girl

The doctor came in to check out all three to see how the girls and Logan were doing

(Much later)

"Mr. Henderson-Schmidt you are in the early stages of labor, so we have to admit you to make sure the baby is okay," the doctor says to him and Kendall as well

"Kenny I'm scared," Logan says as he looks at Kendall cause he was scared for him and the baby

"Logie it's going to be fine you are getting the best care possible and the baby is going to be okay as well" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause he saw that he was scared as well about the whole thing and what will happen in the long run with the baby if they have to deliver the baby later on

Logan was going to be moved up to labor and delivery to stay until the baby was ready to come or if the contractions stop depends on what comes first

"Okay sweetie pie you get to come home with me as sissy stays here with papa," Kendall says as he was looking at the little girl who was a picture of health

The little girl wanted Logan

"I guess she wants me the poor thing," Logan says as he takes her and holds her really close to him cause she was really scared right now, and Logan was her comfort object

"We have to come up with names for them since they are going to be ours," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan cause he could see Logan loved the girls right now and he was glad that Kendall had found them

"Yeah we do don't we," Logan says as he was looking at Kendall

"Plus come up with a name for this little one," Kendall says as he was looking at the bump that Logan had

"I can't wait," Logan says as he was relaxing a little bit

Logan and Kendall soothed the little girl cause she was quite upset

"What do you think she looks like?" Logan asks Kendall

"Cherish cause we need to cherish her for what she is," Kendall says to him

"I like that name," Logan says as he was looking down at her as she heard a name    

"I say it is a keeper," Kendall says as he was going to rock her 

"Cherish Henderson-Schmidt it is," Logan says as he looked at her

Cherish put her thumb in her mouth to soothe herself 

"I hope to see the baby," Logan says as he was in the bed resting right now 

"Me too we have to name her next, and then we can name this little one," Kendall says as he was thinking about the two babies   

"I have this one picked out," Logan says as he was rubbing his bump

"What is that name Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Giovanna" Logan says to him

"I love it," Kendall says as he was going to talk to Giovanna for a little bit cause she might be born today 

Givanna loved hearing daddy's voice a lot and she loved hearing papa's voice as well. Logan got hooked up to the monitors to monitor contractions and everything as well to see if she was going to be born today

"I hope Gia stays in there and gets bigger before we meet her," Logan says as he was thinking of her 

"I hope so too," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan  

Part 4 will come in time so hold tight maybe next day off 

Part 4 is up and more will come 

Kendall and Logan's little girl's wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now