Omake 4: The Death Of Alex Mustang

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(Little mini story that came to my head.)

"Hey buddy! We there yet!?" Shouted Alex to the driver.

"No not yet!" He replied.

Currently, Alex and Noire, who was extremely dazed and weakened due to share loss, were on the back of a truck heading back to Lastation.

Around Gamindustri, each goddess had been drained of their shares. Thankfully, the other three got back to their nations with ease.

As for these two, they were traveling from the outskirts of Lastation into mainland Lastation.

One issue with the outskirts is that a large rebel and Anti-CPU group is rumored to make their rounds there so Alex hoped their ride would go safely.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Up ahead, Alex saw over hundreds of Anti-CPU fighters with guns, preparing for the truck to pass by.

"Hey buddy! Stop driving!" Shouted Alex.

The driver immediately stopped. "What? Why?"

"We can make it from here. Trust me." Alex said as he carried Noire off and onto the ground.

The driver nodded before turning around and driving back.

Once he was gone, Alex carried Noire to a boulder of the path and gently laid her against it.

Noire's face completely showed she was out of it.

Alex chuckled, patting Noire's head one last time before walking ahead to confront the Anti-CPU army, as Noire, blurry vision and all, reached her hand out, in one last attempt to bring Alex back, but, it failed.

Eventually, Alex confronted the army.

Alex just chuckled and sighed to himself

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Alex just chuckled and sighed to himself.

"Geez. The price for freedom is really damn high isn't it? Thankfully, it's a price I'm willing to play full price."

Alex grabbed the handle of his Buster Sword and hoisted it in front of him.

He held it directly in front of him, eyes closed.

"This sword will forge our way home. Through thick, and thin, I will win and get us to the promise land."

Alex then opened his eyes as they were ice blue along with his sword and himself with a blue aura.

"Bring it on you bastards!" Alex shouted as he charged at the large group of men.



Rain had come down.

It was pouring fast and suddenly after being such a bright and sunny day earlier.

Hours had passed as Noire, thanks to distant help from Uni, was able to receive enough shares to be mobile though she was still very weak.

Noire slowly walked to where she had seen Alex walk off to.

The entire time, she hopes for the best.

She hoped Alex lived.

Eventually, she made it as she saw over hundreds of dead army men bodies.

It seemed as if Alex had managed to kill all the Anti-CPU army men as tons littered the area dead due to blood loss.

Noire then noticed and lone figure laid out on the cliff side overlooking Lastation.

She suddenly tripped and fell down.

For some reason, not caring about anything else besides Alex, she crawled on the dirty and wet floor towards the laid figure on the cliff.

As she made it to the cliff, what she saw shocked her.

She saw Alex, limp on the floor, as blood covered the left side of his face with his body having tons of bullet wounds.

Noir crawled beside Alex and got onto her knees looking down at him.


Alex turned his head slowly to look at her.

"F-For the, b-both, of us."

"Both, of us?"

"T-That's right. Y-Your gonna."

"Your gonna? A-Alex. Please. Make sense. N-Now's not the time for-"

She got cut off as Alex placed a hand on her cheek as he brought her head to his heart, as Noire heard it beating slower and slower.

It was gonna give out.

"Y-Your gonna, live, Noire." Said Alex.

"YYou'll be my, l-living legacy."

Alex's hand slowly fell down as Noire picked her head up to look at him, as blood covered her right cheek.

Alex smiled and looked at his left hand, which still held the Buster Sword.

"My honor. My dreams." He said, as he slowly lifted the handle and put it in Noire's hands.

"They're yours now." He said as Noire grabbed the handle, holding the sword in her hands now.

"I'm your, living, legacy?" She asked.

She got no reply.

Alex, with a smile on his face, slowly closed his eyes, and passed away.

Noire hiccuped, as she then shouted and cried into the rainy sky.

Soon, the rain went away, as the sun appeared once again, as Noire looked down, as she heard Alex's voice in her head from a past memory.

"Hold onto your dreams. If you wanna be a strong and great CPU, you have to hold onto your dreams."

"Thank you. I, won't forget." Said Noire, as she stood up, about to turn around, as she faced Alex one last time.

"Good night, Alex."

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