The HeartBox

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(Sepherahs POV)

After when I stopped crying I went to the bathroom to clean my face off and redo my makeup, "it's been a while since I last cried, I'm usually always happy but I'm just a normal person." After when I did cry I feel lighter on my chest. "I guess I needed to cry," I said to myself. After I was done I left my apartment and went downstairs to the limo. When I got to the limo to got to the HeartBox I went in the limo and close the door and the driver started to drive me there. I was looking out the window and seeing the moon. I always look at the moon when I remember Shawn. "I should probably visit his grave soon," I said to myself.

When I got to the heart box I got out of the limo and went to the front and gave the guards my V.I.P Card. They nodded and let me in. When I got inside I saw Avalee with 3 other people. "Wait did she said there were only 2 people I will be meeting?" I said to myself, I started to walk to the table and Avalee saw me. "Sepherah! This is Marne and this is my assistant Kale." I look at them and bowed my head. "It's really nice to meet both of you." Kale didn't smile but just looked at me. "Yeah, you too." he said coldly. "It's really nice to meet you miss, Plumb!" Said Marne. I smiled but then I looked at the boy with blue hair and blue horns. He looked familiar. But the right before my eyes I saw an image of a boy from high school that matched him. He looked at me and his eyes widen and my eyes widen as well but then went back to normal. I give my hand out to him and smiled at him warmly. "It's been a long time Devon, you have gotten taller." His eyes still wide he got up and hugged me and it caught me off guard. "I know I should have started to talk to you but...I was too scared you wouldn't want me to speak to you anymore." I was shocked and I hugged him back. "Come on, it's ok, I'm just happy that you're doing well. here." I open his hand and gave him a piece of paper. "Text me whenever you want." I smiled at him and he smiles as well. "You know him Sepherah?" I look at Avalee and smiled at him. "I knew him from high school" I smiled at her and we all started to hang out and talk.


After a little bit of a conversation, I felt like someone was staring at us. I looked and saw a guy with a black mask on with white hair and he was looking at me with a phone on his ear. I start to glare at him that gave him a sign. "You better watch your step if you don't want to get hurt." He looks a little tensed but calmed down I didn't know he was saying in his conversation so I ignored it and went back to my conversation with the others.

After an hour or two, it was time for me to go home. "Alright, I'm going to go home now, I hope you guys have a good night." They all said goodnight but Devon said something else. "Alright, I'll text you later." I smiled and left the HeartBox. When I was waiting for my limo I looked at my phone looking threw a couple of things on instalander (it's an Instagram but replace half of it with lander from the title of the story candilanderz XD I'm so smart) but when I was looking threw instalander I seen someone walking up behind me from the reflection of my screen and grabbed me while covering my mouth and bringing me to a dark ally. "Don't move and listen." I stayed still and listened. "The boss wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow at 12:00 pm sharp, we will pick you up, just be ready." He let's go and when I tried to attack him he was gone. I was thinking a bit. "12:00 pm huh?" I said to myself. I heard a honk and I looked to see my limo and went in the car. "Miss, plumb how was your night?" My driver asked while I closed the door. "It was good..." my tone was not normal I knew it myself and my driver looked at me. "Miss you ok?" I look out the window. "Yes, I'm alright." He didn't look convinced but decided to drop it. When I got home I still saw the pictures still on the table I just started to look at them but shook my head to go to bed. I know I don't usually leave things to not put them away, but I guess I just want to leave them alone for a bit. After changing into comfortable clothes and went straight to bed, falling to a deep sleep.

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