6: classes [pt.2]

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It was a great learning with Professor Flitwick. He was the cleverest among his friends when he studied in Hogwarts. Jin was a big fan. He was all excited during his class just now.

He said "--Got praised by Professor Flitwick, I'm all blessed", proudly and tightened his necktie.

"Yes, I know..", Aurobella replied.

"That 'Kraken Monster' is gone already?", Jin suddenly asked.

"Yae... Luckily", she replied.

She was looking at her timetable really close. "We have Trans--tra-t-t-transfi--",

"Transfiguration, you mean?", Jin interrupted.

"Yes! Exactly!", She was impressed.

Jin was walking along with Aurobella but at the same time being worried. Worried for the next class. And yes, most of the students in Ravenclaw used to be clever. Professor Flitwick himself was a great wizard also from Ravenclaw. But, Transfiguration wasn't easy.

"I'm not ready for this next class", he said humbly.

"Why?", Aurobella answered curiously.

"Transfiguration is just the same with charms right?", Aurobella stated.

"No. Absolutely not--",

"Charms is way easier. You just have to read your book, pronounce the spell correctly and just flicked your wand, an object will float. It's different than transfiguration. Transfiguration,you must cast it perfectly. It is more scientific", Jin said.

But, he didn't even look at her and he read a the 'transfiguration' book instead. He looked nervous. Hopefully, he won't hate that class. It convinced Aurobella that Transfiguration was really difficult.

They went downstairs. Again, they had their transfiguration class with all of the houses. It would be such a havoc. It wasn't comfortable to be surrounded with noises.

The 1B classroom. Bigger space, enough for all of the houses. Jin didn't have to be surrounded by girls, and Aurobella would have her own seat... Alone.

Two doors were open and they came in using the back door and they saw a black... Black cat. "Hopefully, it's not Mrs Norris or we'll be in a big trouble", Aurobella murmured.

The cat was well behaved and didn't make any sound, beautifully sat on the table. It was watching all of the students.

Jin went to join the front table with Jimin. He said he needed to focus during this class and the rest were like usual. They sat with their gang. Her wish came true to sit alone at the very back seat. But, she wasn't the only one. A guy also sat alone, none other than Namjoon. He was such a copycat.

"What are you looking at?" He asked all of sudden.

Yeah, it's not good to stare at someone for a long time. It should be her fault.


"Nothing", she shifted. She spun to the front and tried to focus. She was looking for the professor who'll teach them. Her head was still looking up, but the professor was nowhere to be seen. As soon as she about to stand up, the cat turned to its human form, which was Professor McGonagall.

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