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"The 12 victims who went missing last Thursday afternoon, have been confirmed to be 11 school children and a bus driver. Their bodies were discovered this morning by a resident who lived nearby. The condition of the corpses were found to all have their mouths slit from ear to ear, making it look like a bloody smile."

You still had a straight face on.

"However, this was no surprise to the people of Busan since this has been going on for them for the past year. Unfortunately the infamous murderer still hasn't left a trace and has not been caught yet-"

You turned off the television. You sighed and shook your head. Do the police really not know who the murderer is? How could someone get away with murder without leaving a single clue?

A train of thoughts choo-chooed through your mind as you laid back, fearing for your safety. Yes, you do live in Busan. With your brother, Min Yoongi.

"Hey Min Y/N, time for bed. It's Monday tomorrow and you have school, remember?" Yoongi walked to the fridge to get a drink.

You groaned at the thought of school but eventually got up.

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight old man." You shot back and then went to your room.

"Why you little-"

You shut the door, cutting of Yoongi's words.

You flopped onto your bed and rolled over, facing the cracked plain ceiling.

The train of thoughts came back again.

You could be the next victim at any time. You couldn't just lay around and let that happen to you. You were determined to find the murderer.


What if the murderer wasn't human at all?

Will you still have that determination?

Or will you forever live in fear?

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