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He proposed the idea when he stopped in front of her apartment complex, putting the car in park before turning in his seat to face her. 

"I have an idea." 

She had turned her full attention to the man now, a small smile gracing her lips as she waited for him to speak. "Why don't you come with us? We leave for the next tour in a week, and what better way to get away than to do a cross country tour?" 

She raised her brows, the smile on her lips stretching broadly. It was a brilliant idea, and there was no way she was going to pass up an offer to spend that much time with him. 

"Link, that is, without a doubt, the best idea you've ever had." She replied, playfully. He chuckled lightly, his head quirking to the side a little bit as he admired her. 

"No, I think the best idea I've ever had, was to kiss you." He returned, earning him a wonderful blush that spread across her cheeks. She had spent plenty of time with Link, enough to really get to know the man, but she was always thrown off balance when he looked at her like that. There was no way she could describe it in words, but if she had to, she would say pure adoration. There wasn't anyone else in the world who looked at her, like Link did. 

"Speaking of..." He added on, lightly, before leaning over the center console to press his lips against hers. It was sweet, and simple, and it gave her a warm feeling of domesticity, like they had been doing this for years, when in reality it's been less than months. 

"I'm gonna need you to pack." He breathed out against her, the curve of his lips against her own prominent as he granted her one more peck on the lips. 

"You said the tour is in a week?" She asked, curiously. He nodded his head in affirmation, relaxing back into the drivers seat with a small smirk. 

"I did. But that doesn't mean you're stayin' here during that week." Lucy narrowed her eyes playfully, 

"What did you do?" She asked. Link shrugged his shoulders, reaching beside him to open the drivers side door, but not before turning his attention to her, 

"Guess you're just gonna have to find out later, huh?" Before quickly climbing out. She sat there a moment, taking a second to appreciate everything that was Link. Not only did he accept her for her past, but he was more than eager to help her move forward, even if that meant dragging her blindly through it. She trusted him though, and happily stepped out of the car after he rounded the bumper to open the door. 

They approached the glass lobby door together, one of Link's hands gliding down her forearm to intertwine with hers, the other opening the door to guide her inside. 

She made sure to lock the door after stepping inside, flipping the deadbolt as well, before turning to face Link. He had wandered further into the living room, hands in his pockets as he admired the multiple paintings scattered throughout the room. 

"You know, doesn't matter how many times I see your artwork. It always amazes me." He remarked. She smiled softly in response, 

"I'm going to get some stuff together. Do you want something to drink or anything?" She asked, gesturing toward the small kitchen on the opposite side of the spacious area. Link shook his head, 

"You go ahead, I'll be fine." 

She fiddled with the keys in her hand, hesitating a beat before turning on a heel and making her way down the narrow hallway that lead to her bedroom. She would't say that she is a messy person, per se, but her home was definitely lived in. She told herself that's why she didn't invite him back with her, but really, it was the thought of seeing Link somewhere as private as her bedroom, and the thoughts that would most definitely arise from such a sight. 

Lucy was quick to open her closet, grabbing a few pieces here and there and tossing them haphazardly onto the open suitcase that she laid out on her bed. She randomly plucked a black article from the closet, halting a moment to admire the piece. It was a short, formfitting black dress, something she hadn't worn in years. 

"Definitely bring that." She jumped at the sound of his voice, spinning in place to see Link leaning against the doorway of her bedroom. It was almost surreal seeing him there, in her most personal space. She silently watched his eyes scan the room, a charming smile on his lips. 

"It's cozy in here, makes you wanna take a nap." He remarked, pushing himself off the frame to walk toward the queen sized bed in the middle of the room. He was so nonchalant as he picked up a few pieces of clothes that didn't quite make it into the suitcase, taking a seat on the comforter while casually packing the clothes up. She could feel the heat on her face as she watched him, and Link could definitely tell this was having an effect on her. 

"Go ahead, we've got a little time." She managed, surprising even herself with the playful tune of her voice. Link grinned, 

"I've got this thing. Where I can't really fall asleep alone." He replied, and she snorted out a laugh, tossing the black dress at him. Link chuckled lightly as he pulled it off his face, his long fingers playing the softness of the fabric for a moment, before glancing back up at her. 

"Really now? Because I've seen some pretty convincing Instagram pictures that say otherwise."

"Well, I wasn't alone, technically." He countered, placing the black dress atop the neatly organized pile he had made in the suitcase. "You said so yourself, we've got a little time." 

She was sifting through the clothes again, stopping at his words. Well, he wasn't wrong. She pivoted on a heel, turning to face him. Link was leaned back now, his weight resting on his right arm as he watched her. The sight of him, here, definitely had some type of effect on her. It felt right, like he's been in her bedroom hundreds of times before, but they both knew this was brand new. So new, it came with a flourish of feelings she hadn't felt since her teenage years, the tightening of anticipation and nervousness in her chest ever apparent. 

Link seemed to notice the uncomfortable tension in her body, and he was quick to sit up. 

"We don't have to, Lu. I'm not tryin' to push you out of your comfort zone or anythin'." He quickly said. She crossed the small distance between her closet and the bed, 

"It's not that, Link. It's just...I can't believe you're actually here, you know? Like this is really happening." She breathed out, taking a step forward to stand between his long legs. Link smiled softly as he let his arms wrap around her narrow waist, pulling even closer. Her fingers danced through the hair atop his head, gliding through the salt and pepper stands. 

"Me neither. But I am so glad it is." He tilted his head back to look up at her. Lucy had to take a second to admire the gorgeous man he was, and to really take in the reality that this was real. He was her's now. She was quick to dip down and kiss him, her fingers raveling in his hair as she brought one leg upwards to rest beside his waist. Link hummed appreciatively against her mouth, a hand reaching down to swipe her other leg upwards, bringing her to a sitting position atop his lap. 

"God, I love you." He breathed out harshly. He could feel the curve of her lips against his own, before she suddenly pushed him backwards against the bed, a humorous 'omph' resounding from from his being as she kissed him fiercely, but not before whispering, 

"I love you, too." 

- leave a vote & comment if you're enjoying! Honestly, I absolutely love writing this book, and I'm so happy you're taking the time to read it. xoxo
also! next chapter will most likely contain smut, consider this a warning lol.

Once In A Lifetime • Link NealWhere stories live. Discover now