You're Not

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"I'm sorry," you told Dean. He was no longer as angry as he had been when he came into your hospital room, but he was disappointed... and hurt. You had broken your promise to him and Sam about hunting alone. And you had refused to tell them where you were going. Dean had worried. "I just needed to process. I needed a distraction."

"No." He looked at you long and hard before saying, "I told you how I feel, and you got scared. And then you decided to run away, and nearly get yourself killed, Y/N. I knew i shouldn't have left you at the bunker by yourself. I just thought... I thought if I gave you some time you'd work through it."

You lowered your eyes looking down at your hands instead of his face. He, of course, was right. You had been absolutely terrified of the possibility that what he had said was true. But you weren't willing to admit that to yourself yet. "I'm sorry, Dean. I didn't mean to break my promise... I didn't mean to fuck up again... I just... I couldn't stay in the bunker alone anymore... I'm sorry..." I love you, you wanted to add. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't think you would care. But fear held your tongue.

There were so many things left unsaid between the both of you, and maybe if you both had more courage things would be different. Monsters, ghosts, and demons the both of you could handle. But with a string of failed relationships between the both of you a mile long neither of you knew what to do. Do you confess your feelings, or stay silent? Maybe you could leave this entire ordeal behind and just do what you both do best. Hunt.

He cared. Tha much was obvious now. No matter how much you'd rather not admit it, he cared. When you heard the fear in his voice when he found you... there was no denying he cared for you. But love? He had told you he loved you when you were hurting... when he was trying to help you feel better... Could you believe it was true? Maybe.

You had seen the look in his eyes when he walked into the room. He had been angry, yes, but there's also been something else there beneath the surface of his green eyes... Worry. Dean had worried about you. But does he love you? Do you love him? Or were you just obsessed with the possibility of being loved and loving someone? So many things were going through your mind all at once. And you didn't know where to begin to sort through it all.

The room was silent, unlike your mind. And if you listened hard enough you could here Sam and Castiel whispering outside the door, but you couldn't make out what they were saying.

It wasn't uncomfortable, the silence. You had both said your piece, and what was done... was well, done. You were alive, and as far as Dean was concerned that's really all that mattered. The rest would come. He had his entire life and yours to convince you that what he said was true. You were alive, and with time... you'd be okay.

"I love you," he said, breaking the silence. Your head snapped up quickly so you could see his face. "Tell me I'm lying, Y/N."

You searched his eyes looking for any sign of untruth. And when you found nothing but sincerity and a warmth you'd never seen in anyone else you knew. "You're not."


A/N: Thank you so much for reading!

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