Chapter 10

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G fought as hard as he could when the man in the park had turned around and cold cocked Deeks with a brick. Neither of them had given the groundskeeper a second look as they had walked past throwing the ball for A. to chase.

The man had put a strange smelling cloth over G's face and had thrown him into the black van that had pulled up beside him.

By the time Deeks had come too, A was sitting beside him whining and G was nowhere to be seen.

When G woke he realized he was in a vehicle, but not a car, the sounds were strange and the vibrations were all wrong.

He groaned as he sat up, hoping for a second that this was a dream and Grandmother and Sam…his new father were nearby.

He opened his eyes and moved back in shock at the face that stared back at him.

Dracul Comescu looked over at Janvier, "I was not sure until he opened his eyes, but yes, this is Yoska's boy. You have done well."

Janvier nodded, "Thank you, I also appreciate this ride, it gets me out of town quickly and we can restart up the pipeline, the business has been suffering for a long time, Have you had any word on the fate of your brother?" he asked.

Dracul shook his head, "I know he is being questioned by the FBI in Washington which is why we are heading there, it is fortunate that we have a new batch of product to be shipped out this week, I want to check on them before they go."

"I will be personally escorting the product out of the country, it is a pity he is not to be included with the shipment, I never realized just how pretty he is…he would fetch a good price." Janvier sneered.

Dracul shook his head as he got up and walked to the bar on the private plane and poured himself a drink, he sat back down and looked over at the boy, "He is Yoska's…I don't see the attraction, he is a Callen, our sister Alexa insisted he be killed, but Yoska argued to keep him alive, personally I don't swing that way I prefer women, grown up ones at that, but Alexa loves our brother and indulges his….fancies…besides there are enough out there that will pay for our product and it does bring in a good revenue." He looked over at the boy who was shaking as he realized he was on a plane.

"I hope you enjoyed your little taste of freedom boy, it is over now….Yoska will be pleased to have you back, I just hope you haven't forgotten all you have learned." Dracul laughed as G cried silently.

Dracul reached over and untied his bonds…"I am going to rest, you have an interest in him, maybe you could remind the boy his place in the world."

Dracul left and Janvier grinned, "Let's see if you are as good as Yoska bragged." He said as Dracul closed the door.

Sam paced the living room as Deeks filled them in on what had happened, "I have called LAPD, they are searching the park but I couldn't see any sign of him."

Sam grabbed the phone that Nell was talking into, "Is there anything Eric?" he asked his voice conveying the worry he felt.

"There was a black Van, it was reported stolen this morning, LAPD found it at a private airfield,"

"Anything on a plane? Do you know where they were going?"

"All we have so far is that a plane owned by the Comescu corporation took off from there, they had a flight plan to Washington D.C, but we don't know if it is accurate or not."

"Contact all D.C. airports, keep them on alert, and get Hetty and me a flight out there as soon as possible." Sam ordered.

He handed Nell back her phone. "Hetty…it's a Comescu plane, they've taken him to Washington, Eric is booking us flights out there, but I have no idea if he'll still be there when we get to him.

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