Chapter 7

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[ Not sure if I ever mentioned his sister aka mom's name, but just so you know, it's Lauren.]

Chapter 7;

Aidan's POV:
I couldn't believe what I just heard. I looked at her in disbelief. Lauren was actually my mom ? As crazy as it sounded, it all made sense. It only took a couple seconds before my confusion turned into anger.

"So you're telling me the one person I trusted, that one person, has been lying to me my whole life ?" I questioned.

She shook her head "I haven't been lying to you Aidan, well I mean, I have, but it wasn't my choice !".

That annoyed me. She did have a choice. "You didn't have a choice ? Do you know how many thing's mom and da- i mean, whoever the hell they are told me I couldn't do something ? That's all they ever told me, but guess what ? I did it anyways !" I yelled.

Your POV:
I could see how upset Aidan was getting and it made me worry. He was already so upset before. I thought I was finally getting somewhere with him, but now that this news came out, I'm probably right back where I started. I reached for his hand and held it, hoping to calm him down. He gave me a small smile, but I could tell he was still annoyed.

"They're your grandparents Aidan, and I actually didn't have a choice ! They would of kicked me out, they said I ruined the family's reputation. Pretending to be your sister was the only option." she sighed.

"Then why did you leave me ? That doesn't explain why you left me alone with them ! You never cared about me, I was just some mistake you threw away." he said on the verge of tears as he let go of my hand, running out the door. Shit, I had a feeling this wasn't gonna go well.

Aidan's POV;
I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran. I didn't wanna deal with this. I didn't wanna face anything, I just wanted to get away from it all. As bad as I wanted it all to end, I knew so couldn't end it. Now with Y/N in my life, I wouldn't want to hurt her in anyway. All I needed was a break. I ran for a couple more minutes, until I was too tired to run anymore. I sat down on the ground and pulled out my phone. I already had a text from Y/N.

[1 missed text]
Y/N: Aidan ? Where are you going ? Please don't do anything stupid, call me.

I decided I would text her back later, I knew she would talk me out of anything, and that's not what I needed right now. I wanted to get away so badly, even if it was only for a few hours. I decided to text one of my old friends who I knew was loaded with alcohol, and everything else that I desperately needed in the moment.

[Skip to 7pm that night]

Your POV:
It had been hours since Aidan ran off, and he still hadn't texted me back. I was so worried I could hardly think anymore. I went to text him again, when I thought of an idea. I went on snapchat, and typed in his name, praying I had him added. To my luck I did, I clicked on his name, and with even more luck, his location was on. I smiled getting up, and yelling to my mom that I was going out.

I went outside, slamming the door behind me, and started walking. Eventually I arrived at the location, running up to the door, and knocking on it. After about a minute, no one answered, so I continued knocking. I didn't care if it took all night for someone to answer, I wasn't leaving without Aidan.

I knocked on the door even harder, until someone finally answered. A guy who was clearly drunk opened the door, looking me up and down before talking.

"Why didn't y-you knock l-louder, I could hardly h-hear you" he laughed.

I rolled my eye's "Where's Aidan ?" I asked.

"Oh, he's a-around here somewhere" he replied, pulling me inside and shutting the door. He then pushed me against the door, pinning me against it.

"Are y-you his girlfriend ? He doesn't shut up about this girl Y/N. Is that you ? " he questioned, looking me up and down again. I had no idea who this guy was, but he sure did a good job at making a girl feel uncomfortable.

I hesitated for a second before answering "No i'm not his girlfriend, I just wanna know where he is." I replied. He didn't even acknowledge the second half of what I said, instead he just smiled at me.

"That mean's your up for grabs, and he can't get mad at me." he slurred, still pinning me against the door as he started to kiss me. I tried pushing him away, but his grip was just too strong. I was about to stop fighting back and give up, when someone smashed a glass over the guy's head, causing him to let go of me. I looked up to see Aidan, I sighed in relief.

"What was that for !?" questioned the guy as he turned around.

"Clearly no one ever taught you to keep your hands to yourself, but don't worry, just make sure you never touch her again, or I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget." he said annoyed, then smiled.

[Author's note: I know that was kind of an awkward place to end the chapter but I know if I didn't end it there, this chapter would of needed up being twice the size, and being way too long. Thank you so much for all the nice comments, it really motivates me to continue writing.]

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