Chapter 9

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"I, brackenstar, leader of stormclan, call upon my warrior ancestors, to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and i commend her a warrior in her turn." Brackenstar calls out, his head held high, and his eyes shining.

Excited, moonpaw looked around. Appleleafs gray pelt was to her right, the other warriors around her, their eyes warm as they watch.

"Moonpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend this clan even at te cost of your life?" Brackenstars voice made her focus, and moonpaw held her head up high, feeling as if she could burst with pride.

"I do." Her mew rang clearly over the silent crowd.

"Then i give you your warrior name. From this moment on, you will be known as moonfrost. In honor of the shecat that gave her life so that you may live." Brackenstars voice became soft and filled with sorrow.

Moonpaw flinched, remembering frostshine, and her heroic deed. Her eyes filled with pain and pride, moonfrost nods, standing straighter.

Dipping her head, moonfrost heard the chants of her clanmates, making her feel like she could fly.

"Moonfrost! Moonfrost!" willowpaws voice carried above the others, and her eyes showed a little envy.

Moonfrost purred, swiping her tail down her sisters side. "Dont worry. You'll get your medicine cat name soon..."

Willowpaw shrugged, yes flashing. "I never wanted to be a medicine cat, moonfrost. You know that. But mousefeather insists... I want to be a warrior." Willowpaws claws dig into the ground, and she glares frostily up at their father.

"I also know WHY you want to be a warrior. Gorsehawk is still in another clan. You can't mate with him you know..." Moonfrost's words trailed off at the cold glare her sister gave her.

"Well i still love him moonfrost. I cant just STOP. You know?" Willowpaw hesitates, then licks moonfrost's cheek. "Congratulations on your warrior name. I couldn't be prouder of you."

Moonfrost nods, and looks around as the last of her clanmates disappear into their dens.

Brackenstar pads over, his amber eyes proud, and his muscles rippling under his thick ginger fur.

"Moonfrost. Its time for your vigil. No more talking." Brackenstars amber eyes flash as he pads closer, wraping his tail around willowpaws shoulders.

"But father, willowpaw wants to be a warrior too." Moonfrost couldn't stop herself from putting in on her sisters behalf.

"She will be a medicine cat!" Brackenstar hisses furiously. "That is the last we speak of this! She was always meant to be a medicine cat! And she will be." brackenstar turned away, but moonfrost saw a flash of panic in his eyes, and suspected that he had more reasons why willowpaw couldn't be a warrior.

Willowpaw looked baffled, but didnt protest as brackenstar dragged her toward the medicine den, and left her at the entrance as he pads to the leaders den.

Warily, moonfrost turned and watched the entrance to camp silently. Her thoughts racing about her family.

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