Sunflower.Part 2

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The drive to the woods was silent until we heard sirens and saw blue and red flashing lights. Jackson parked his car far from the police and got out, me following suit. He started walking into the woods and towards the police sight, making sure he didn't get seen. We crouch walked past the crashed car and saw she definitely wasn't in there but the door was open.

"Jackson!" I whisper yelled "there's footprints here, How didn't they see this, let's follow them" we crouch walked for a bit longer and then stood up and walked normally once we were far enough so we didn't see them.

We followed the footprints for a while until they started disappearing which was when I started to panic "J-Jackson, where are the f-footprints" I sat down at a nearby rock and clutched my head in my hands "tch I think you're overreacting a little" there were tears brimming my eyes as I looked up at him " w-what if we don't find her? What if she's dead? W-what if s-she leaves and n-never comes back" the tears had finally spilled over out of my eyes and I was crying.

"Hey... it's okay, everything's going to be alright. We'll find her" I found myself surprised when Jackson crouched down to my level and hugged me, I cried for a bit more into Jackson's shoulder "c-come on we have to keep looking she can't have gone far from here," I said as I wiped the remaining tears.

Jackson raised from his crouching position and put out his hand for me to take, I took it and stood up. I grabbed him and hugged him "thank you for comforting me, I know we aren't friends anymore and that probably took a lot for you to help me like that but I hope we can be kind of friends again if you don't mind" I stepped back to look at his face.

"Okay, I think we can be friends, I'm sorry for how I treated you for all these years the popularity just got to me and I wasn't thinking anymore." I nodded at him "let's go" we shook ourselves of any dirt that was on us and continued on.

Rustle Rustle

"Um, Jackson is that you making those noises?"


"No, I thought it was you" we looked at each other than tried to find the source of the sound. I looked to my left and a little in the distance I saw something curled in a ball and shaking surrounded by Sunflowers. "Who's there?" the person looked up and my breath caught in my throat "A-Ashy?" Jackson looked over quickly to where I was and I quickly ran over to her.

She was shaking and crying I quickly embraced her as she started apologising over and over again "shhh its okay sweetie we've got you, you're going to be fine"

Jackson picked her up and we started walking out of the woods after I had grabbed a flower and put one in my hair. Once we were near the police again I went up to one and explained that we had found her I got a light scolding from the officer for going into the woods without an adult but I brushed it off and got in the car with Jackson and ashy.

We were finally okay. 

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