chapter 1: the beginning

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hay so uh this story will be different, more losly bassed of my dmc family group on facebook, so uh Dante and Vergil have other siblings, dante is married with kids and vergil will eventually have a family of his own, they both find out that they have multiple siblings, but this story is mostly centered around the youngest daughter illia, hope you all like it


have you ever heard of the legend of Sparda? he was a great Demon Worrior, they say he slew thousands of demons to protect the human realm, some say he even gave his life to seal the demon realm away to save humanity, he had a wife, Eva, they had 2 sons, twins, Dante and Vergil, thats what most people know, but what they dont know is Sparda was not always with Eva, as bad as that sounds its true, every relationship is not perfect, and because of this fact, Sparda is the father of many many children, none of witch Eva was ever aware of, each one hidden away and protected, unaware of being the child of the demon worrior, then one day demons found the sparda family home and Eva gave her own life to protect her 2 sons who where seperated and thought each other dead, Dante grew up to be a great demon hunter, well Vergil grew up hating everyone, no one was there for him, to save him from demons, because of this he went in search of power, as for Dante, after he became a devil hunter, he met a woman named Christina and had 2 daughters, the oldest being Brittni and the youngest being Illia, Dante and Christina managed to buy a decent place too, whats later known as Devil May Cry, everything was good until one day Arkham arrived, he had told Dante that his twin brother Vergil is alive, then vanished, but that was not all, Arham took Illia! she was only an infint at the time, this angered Dante, he promised christina to find his missing child well she hold her oldest daughter 5 years old crying in her mother's arms.

Arkham appeared behind Vergil, Illia in his arms clutching onto a stuffed panda, she may have been only 6 months old but she was very aware of her surroundings, her blue eyes landed on the person in front of her, Vergil who had his back to them, looking out at the chaos that was insuing, who would have thought the plan would go so smoothly? it would not be long now before the gates themselves open up to cause more chaos and distruction, Illia being far too young to even comprehend what was truely going on, her tiny arms held onto the stuffed panda for dear life, then vergil finally spoke, "did he have it?", his voice was calm and cold, little to no emotion in his voice, it made the child wince a bit, Arkham nodded and said: "Of course, he's taking good care of it. After all, it is the only memento left from the mother you both lost." Vergil silently reached up to his neck and grabbed at the amulet strung there by silver, Indeed, it was the only memento they had both received before their mother's death, two halves of a whole, Just like he and Dante were, Arkham spoke again, "But he has no idea of its true power", Vergil nodded as he looked out over the expanse of the city already riddled with demons alike, Screams could be heard as humans were chased away, some even falling to their demise, Humans were such foolish creatures, there was no response from vergil so Arkham got braver saying: "and what of the child? a pawn in your plans i assume? such innocents, too young to truely see the evils of this world, so pure with no knowledge of the evils in this world, will only know corruption when learned. What have you planned for your niece?", Illia began so cry a little, the man who was holding her was scaring her, in one swift move Vergil had turned and grabbed illia out of Arkham's arms and was cradling her softly, illia stopped crying as she reached up to try to touch vergil's necklace, it was almost exactly the same as Dante's, Vergil glared at Arkham saying: "thats none of your busness", his tone towards the man was threatening, in truth, Vergil does care, family has always been important to him and he had a sense that if he had not taken the child from the evil man then she would most likely wind up dead, and that he could not bare to even think about, to those around him though he would not show any shred of emotion, Vergil, the stoic twin of the sons of Sparda, the powerful man still seeking more power from his deceased sire, was fascinated by this child, his niece, he thought about her name, Illia, well it suited her, such a unique name for a very unique child, he could see the sparda bloodline in her just by her silvery hair and blue almost silvery eyes, she was very pretty too for an infint, in truth though he wanted Arkham to bring him the older child, Brittni, the idiot could not even do that much it seems, Vergil never wanted to put the infant into so much danger, he wanted the older child to manupulate to his will, to use against dante, but the infant was little to no use to him and yet he could not help but to feel protective of her, she was so very tiny in his arms, her big eyes looking up at him in wonder and awe, it was like she had figured out who he was, and this fascinated Vergil, how smart the child really was, and there was a simple fact that if she was not of the blood of sparda then Vergil would have not been so close to the child, a child that was far too weak to even deffend herself from demons who would love nothing more than to eat her, the thought of it made him sick deep down inside, as he looked down at the infant who had so much interest in him, he could not help but to wonder, How was it that he and Dante, born of the same blood, born only minutes apart and raised with the same care and within the same environment for the first part of their lives, come to live such different lives? Dante having a wife and children, well Vergil's only interest was to gain power, He strived for power; Dante strived to protect. He was obsessed with becoming stronger; Dante was obsessed with helping those weaker than himself. He was flawless in his plans, always staying several steps ahead and having a backup for minor losses; Dante always did things as he saw fit at that instant, coming in sword-swinging with cocky words flying out of his mouth, and yet, despite this vergil still did not fully understand his brother, Dante who would put his own life on the line to protect everyone, why do such a thing? Vergil on the other hand would use demons and people like pawns until he had no further use of them then kill them without so much as a side glance, "How foolish of him," Vergil thought aloud, Illia never took her gaze off of him, she blinked a few times before babbling sounds, not even real words yet,"How foolish of your father, my brother, to risk himself, his power on those like you, Why does he do this? What purpose is there to protecting those weaker than him?", vergil had said as he held illia in his arms looking down at her, his facial features softened some seeing her little face light up and smile, she seemed to like his voice, odd child, he thought to himself, illia had reached up once more to try to get at the red amulet that vergil was wearing, she knew it to be something accociated with her father, with all her babling she managed to say: "Un.......Ve......", Vergil's eyes widened slightly, so this child did know who he is, perhaps she is worth saving, vergil knew if he held the child any longer he would not let go, nore would be be able to fight, this was a problem for him, so he hid the child away, in a room that only he knew of, she would be safe there, he hoped anyways.

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