chapter 2: normal life?

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at the age of 5 years old, illia was a very curiouse child, she was interested in everything her father had in his shop, luckily her mother christina had the sense to have dante put all his weapons he's collected into locked display cases, heaven and hell knows dante would have just left those things out for anyone to grab, and illia was at that age were she wanted to touch everything, she was very smart for her age though, she knew there was some things she should not touch but her curiosity got the better of her most of the time, espesually when her older sister was aloud to touch things that she was not aloud too, this just made her want to touch things more, this day though, illia was bored and her mother took her sister out to get there hair done, Brittni was having a bit of a problem at school with kids teasing her on her looks so her amazing mother decided to let the 10 year old girl get her hair done, Dante did not really understand it though, he thought both his daughters were beautiful, so he was left to watch illia, he was in his chair like usual with his feet up onto his desk as he was leaning back in his chair looking at a magazine about guns, christina would not let him have dirty magazines around were her kids could see them, he would glance over every once in a while to make sure his daughter was staying out of throuble, for the most part illia would stay quite, she was afraid of angering her father, but again curiosity got to her and she somehow got a hold of a orb shapped object that would swirl different colors as she touched it, to her it was shiny and pretty, dante had quickly plucked it out of her hands, it was a very dangrouse souvenir he had gotten on his last mission, very valuable too, he placed it on a very high shelf out of reach before looking at her saying: "dont touch kiddo, thats not a toy", he then went back to sitting and reading, illia pouted some before looking around the room, it was oddly clean, christina had a thing against dirt and would be constantly cleaning everything, thank god for that otherwise, things would be a mess, illia did manage to find a few items though, things she thought was pretty, things Dante took from her saying: "dont touch" each time in more of an annoyed angry tone, brittni was never like this, she was always more interested in her dolls, christina would always say that illia was a lot like her daddy, after about the 5th time though dante got annoyed and said: "ok thats it! time out, 15 minutes!" he picked up illia and softly placed her onto the couch and then crouch down to eye level with her, his eyes nerrowed as he frowned looking at her, illia's hurt expression on her face did not change, her mother was a little more nicer, not dante, he believed that if you dont punish your kid for not obaying rules then the child would grow up to do what ever they pleased too, and time out was a good punishment, he sighed some as he stood back up and walked to his chair, throwing his feet back up onto the wooden surface of the desk as he reads more, illia pouted more as she sat there thinking, she was to not move from that spot or she would get a longer punishment, she had learned that the hard way one time when she thought dante was not paying attention, she learned her father's words was law to her and her sister, illia sighed some as she heard the soft pitter patter of light rain outside, this made her eyes widen with excitement, she so badly wanted to just run outside but knew she could not, there was no escaping her punishment, after what felt like forever to a 5 year old child, Dante had gotten up out of his chair, his heavy foot steps sounded ominaus and illia gulped some, Dante had walked to be infront of her and crouched down once more and reached out with his right hand to pat illia's head softly, she looked up at him in the eyes and felt like she was going to cry, that look all parents give there children when there upset at them is enough to be upsetting, he sighed saying: "you do know why your in trouble, right kiddo?", illia swollowed hard as she felt her mouth getting dry and she nodded slowly feeling tears prick her eyes and she said: "i...........i was touching things i was not supposed to-", Dante nodded saying: "correct, and shaking, and very nearly setting the curtains on fire, but hey, no big deal, right?", the sarcasm in his voice sounded highly annoyed and slightly angry, illia was now shaking some, she held her tiny arms close to her chest tightly shaking a bit and in a barely a squeek she said: "i........i just wante to........know what those things are......", Dante let out a long sigh threw his nose, his glare softened some and he rolled his eyes a bit as a small smile found its way onto his face and he reached out ruffling illia's hair softly before saying: "i know but you cant be touching daddy's stuff, dont want you to get hurt kiddo, remember what happened to that lady who touched one of daddy's weapons the other day?", illia nodded some as she used her hands to whipe away the tiers at the corners of her eyes, remembering the woman, the lady was very rude and loud, she was one of those "im better than you" type of people, in all pink and tacky as all hell, basically shouting at dante to get rid of some demon for basically free and not listening to what dante was telling her, christina did her best to calm the woman down but that did not work, the woman had huffed and walked to a wall touching a weapon hung up high, it was a very sharp weapon with spikes, one touch of it and the lady lost her head.........cut clean off, blood squirting everywhere! christina had freaked out and made dante take the weapon off the wall and lock it up too afraid of her kids getting hurt, that's mostly how all his weapons except rebellion got put into display cases, and that was just a few days ago! Dante had smiled some down at illia before saying: "you dont want that to happen to you right?", illia quickly shook her head saying a small no, that earned a nod from dante who then said: "no touching my things with out me telling you that you can ok?" illia nodded some saying: "ok daddy", she smiled some and that made dante's usual smile appearing on his face as he said: "thats my little devil, now, are you hungry?", illia nodded before saying: "daddy can i play out in the rain?" Dante hummed for a moment, his fingers on his lips and chin as he looked to be in thought, why not? what harm could a little drizzle of rain be? he nodded some saying: "fine but stay infront of the shop where i can see you", illia nodded and squeeled before running outside, no shoes or jacket, dante sighed as he found a slice of pizza left in a ziplock bag, christina hated having pizza boxes in the fridge insisting on the food staying good if kept in ziplock bags and little containers, dante never really understood it, infact if he was not with christina then he probably would not have half the stuff in the kitchen, every knife in the kitchen had a casing over it to prevent the children from harming themselfs, he sighed more looking threw the fridge seeing color coated containers, reds and blues and greens and purples and pinks, the fridge was well organized too, he found one "snack pack" that had illia's name on it, christina was always so careful on what each kid was alloud to eat, what allergies the kids have, illia was sadly allergic to dairy and she could not eat nuts or seeds, brittni was allergic to dust and pork........(well you cant eat dust XD), dante was looking threw the containers till he found one that had illia's name on it, inside was blueberries, grapes, crackers, lunch meat (ham) cut into little squares, cerrots and broccoli, dante made a face like to say:"grose", but christina insisted on her kids eating healthy, Dante would rather down pizza all day then to eat stuff like a salad, he sighed some, he then closed the fridge well holding the small container of food for illia, he had also downed the last few slices of pizza left in the fridge, he walked to the front door and opened it saying: "ok kiddo, lunch time", he waited a few minutes before saying:"com'on kiddo time to eat", he heard nothing, he got a bad feeling and set the container on the table and grabbed his sword mumbling:"how many times have i told that kid to stay where i can see her?!" growling at the last part as he headed out the door, the rain was comming down a bit harder, he looked around saying: "ILLIA! COME HERE NOW!" in a very raised voice, nothing, this worried him as he looked around more and demons appeared, he sliced them down and figured illia got scared by the demons, but if so why did he not hear anything? why did she not run inside the shop or yell for him? 

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