Bad Neighbours

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Egg went to a window to look outside and saw a French blond woman with makeup in a red fluffy coat only holding her purse while the Mexican man in an orange coat was carrying boxes not knowing or minding that there was snow outside. He didn't know why he had a coat on.

When the moving van left, Egg decided to meet his new neighbour. He got dressed and walked outside next door, knocked on the door, and rang the doorbell. The guy was now in an orange dress shirt answered, "Uh...¡Hola! Soy Eggwater. Who are you?" Egg kinda understood what he said and replied in English,

"Hello! I'm Egg. Your neighbour." Eggwater looked surprised,

"wanna come inside?"

Egg nervously stood there, "Uh... sure!" Eggwater lets Egg inside and the woman looked at him frowning and annoyed that a guest is here. Eggwater looked a little scared.

"T-this is my... girlfriend, Felicia!" Felicia just stared.

"Hi. I'm Egg." Egg waved.

Eggwater whispered into Egg's ear, "I think we're going to split soon." Egg gasped,

"Really? When did you guys get together?"

Eggwater sighed, "2 years ago."

Egg soon felt awkward. "Gotta head home now! My pets are probably hungry." Egg was already ready to leave.

"See you next time, I guess!" Eggwater shrugged then waved.

Next day...

Egg felt lonely again, all his thoughts were focused on nothing but self hatred. He wanted to go back to his neighbours house and talk but he heard yelling from the house.

Apparently Felicia had been cheating on Eggwater with the richest Japanese guy in town known as Jaryk Tanaka. Another one of Egg's old friends but they used to date for a couple of days at the age 16 and 17.

It was just a moment they were friends and thought they could be something more. 2 days later they had only been doing friendship stuff and didn't care if they broke up...

Eggwater hated Jaryk but Jaryk didn't know why. Eggwater had been thinking he was just another person like Felicia. Though Jaryk didn't really like Felicia neither. He had to pick her up which sucked for him.

As soon as the car left, Egg was going to go to Eggwater's but got stopped because of- Jay. "Hey, Eggy!~" Jay said flirtatiously.

"Jay, go away." Egg had already looked annoyed.

"Harsh... you like your neighbour and not me?" Jay looked at Egg as he nodded and shook to neither agree nor disagree.

"Maybe!" Egg said trying to get him away, "Can you be with my best friend, Jason instead?"

Jay flicked to confusion, "Who's Jason?"

Egg calmed himself before he blew up, "Ugh... You'll find him at the end of the 3rd street!" Jay was already off on the search.

Egg stayed inside and watched his neighbour sit on the sofa. Egg took at picture of his cat and sent it to Eggwater.

'Isn't he cute?'

Eggwater ignored it. Egg got kinda irratated and opened the window. He grabbed an empty soda can. It felt like he shouldn't but he did. He threw it at his neighbours wall.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Eggwater yelled out the window.

"I was just playing around, teddy bearded muscle man!" Eggwater got offended and started throwing diet soda cans all over Egg's house as Egg screamed, "STOP!!!"

"You started it!!" Eggwater screamed. Egg shuts the window and closed the blinds.

"I ain't dealing with him, I'm gonna really- just really-" Egg paused for moment thinking of what to say. "AAARGH! I'm to mad to think about it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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