Chapter 1•The Crash

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I looked up at the-

*scratch* *freeze*

Before this begins, I should probably clarify that there was a time when I truthfully, honestly believed...that humans were the only creatures in our world (besides animals of course)

Let me just be perfectly clear that this was most definitely not my fault. Unfortunately, people whose names should not be spoken unless the words are perfectly appropriate thought that I was better off without vital information to my existence.

But fate, as a good friends often says, is inevitable. So if you think you can outrun that bastard (yes, fate is a person, and an asshole) you're in for it. So sit back, relax, count the stars, take a deep breath.

Because my story is many things, and often out of order. The end is the beginning, "running an errand" means saving the world, blood sacrifices happen almost ten times a week, washing machines are used to rip holes in the universe, and The Devil isn't the only one trying to get me. I guess it's a good thing he's on my side.

I looked up at the swirling gray clouds, warm rain pouring down heavily on the sidewalk. Behind the clouds, I could see fragments of the blue sky, the suns yellow illuminating some of the gray fluffs in the sky. I couldn't tell you why it was raining in June, the last day of my senior year. It was still beautiful nonetheless, and I just had to be thankful that my graduation ceremony was tomorrow.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride sweetheart?" I heard my soccer coach ask once more. I smiled at her, "No it's fine, thank you though Coach Jordan" I smiled. She smiled back and waved as she walked to her black Mercedes.

I sighed, looking down at my phone once more before taking off on my own. An hour and thirty minutes I'd been waiting, an hour and thirty minutes my mom made me wait through in pouring summer rain. Maybe if she was there besides this one day I wouldn't be so angry. But she wasn't.

I sighed, splashing through the puddles. My dark brown strands of hair stuck to my face, and hazel eyes reflected back at me when I looked at myself in the puddles. School was finally out, and I hadn't a clue what I wanted to do.

I wanted to go to school, but what after that? I didn't plan on staying I Washington all my life. It felt like all my life I had been kept out of all the adventure life had to offer. And now that I was graduating, at 18, and didn't have to stay with a mother who paid more attention to her workloads and boyfriends than her daughter much longer. I felt a little at a loss. I had friends, June and Ophelia, but they were off to do their own thing and living their own rich lives in exotic parts of the world.

It wasn't that I had trouble making friends, I could be very compatible with people. It's just that anytime I made one, being friends with the poorer of my high schools population was an issue. What made it worse was when they found out that my mom was a dancer. Then I was the daughter of a "slut". It was wasn't without reaction though. I had been suspended 3 times for fights.

I stopped walking when my eyes met a black crow on the sidewalk, I shivered at its eyes, a bright burning gold. "Boo" I said, waving my arms so that it would move out of the way, but it didn't. I crouched down and retrieved a packet of crackers from my back jean pocket, opening it and crushing it into my hand.

I held my hand out to it, but it still didn't budge. "What? Not hungry?" I asked. A loud screech suddenly emitted from its feathery throat as it pecked harshly at my hand, penetrating the skin and making me bleed. "Shit!" I yelped, as it flew off. I wiped my hand and observed the injury. The blood had stopped, and around the small cut was a red circle underneath the skin around it.

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