CH 6

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Adhira's POV-

"Oh, she will be quite lovely, I know. And ummm.." - Adhira

"She is. And what ?" - Nick

" I guess our date is over cause I have to do...... something," I said hesitantly.

He shook me and said, " What thing ?"

"Just a thing," I said. I didn't want him to know the truth.

"Well okay. If this thing is so important. The yeah sure !" He said with a pissed look on his face.

"You know that this date was eventually going to end. What happened if it ended now? And by looking at the time, it would have been. I have a curfew !" I said to him.

He looked convinced. Even though my curfew was like more late. I told him the truth. If I do not go by now, I will never reach home by the time.

"Okay let's go. Where's the bill ?" Nick said with a different tone as he knew what I meant but then how could he?

" Leave the check. It's taken care of. Now take off, " I said looking at the time.

"Who gave the money ?" Nick asked with a question mark on his face. " You don't work here? Do you? Is the money going to be cut from your check. You bought me here so that people can come to this restaurant ?"

"Woah! Woah! Hold your horses Drama Queen. I don't work here. I just happen to know these people and they know me. That's all ." I explained to him with a sly smile on my face.

" Why are you smiling ?" - Nick

" Oh I heard every girl who goes with you on a date always have a smile on", I said remarking on his stories. To this, he came close to me. Turned my face towards him. I was shocked. Was he going to kiss me? What is going to happen?
At the shocked look on my face. He started to laugh but still, he had his hand on my face, which was not letting me move my head any bit.

" You look so beautiful when you are in shock. Oh My God !" And then he suddenly came close to me. His face just some distance far but too close. I could feel his breath on my face. My heart pounding loudly and my stomach having butterflies.

He winked and said," Oh you know all about my stories. But you don't know me? How is that possible ?"

At this, my mind just blew. He is so close to me and all he cares about himself. I was so pissed that I said, " Oh people always don't appear to be who they are when they are in stories."

He just smiled at that which brought my attention to how close he was and then I looked into his eyes with ...... I guess anger and irritation and butterflies mixed eyes. Which happen to be a strong look and I nodded.

" Oh, my A. You are just as sane as I am." - Nick

"Oh I have heard you are very sa--" I was replying sarcastically then it hit me. He said MY. OMG.
What am I suppose to do now?

" Sane," he said with this big jerk smile. At that moment I knew what he was doing. So I was about to punch him away from me. But before I could do it. His hand held my hand. He pulled me close and said every cheesy guy from the stories say but makes the girl reader fall in love with them," Control Princess. You are going to hurt yourself."

At this, I knew that he is a schmuck. I took my hand out of his and said the cheesiest line and regretted it the same time, " I am not like the others." But to this at the end given that I said it had a word I love to call him by SCHMUCK.


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