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10am | school

"Good morning class."

Soonyoung gulped nervously when he saw his maths teacher holding a pile of exam papers, looking kind of annoyed.

"Ms Kim are you giving us our exam papers today?" one of Soonyoung's classmate asked.

"Yes you're right, I'm going to give back your papers so i don't have to remember how bad you all did again." Ms Kim sighed and start calling out names.

"Hey Seokmin, I'm going to pass right...?" Soonyoung faced his deskmate while playing his fingers nervously.

"Don't worry buddy, you won't screw up your test, but if you really fail your maths don't worry because you're not going to fail alone!" Seokmin winked.

"Seokmin , 20 marks."

Seokmin got up from his seat and went to get his paper.

"Soonyoung , 21 marks."

Soonyoung sighed and got up to received his paper covered with red inks.

"See Soonyoung you're not alone, buddies always fail together!" Seokmin smiled and hugged Soonyoung who's probably annoyed with his marks now.

"Very helpful Seokmin, my parents is going to kill me if they found out i got 21 marks for my maths."



Hoshi casually watching his favorite anime show, Noragami while slurping his ramen.

Not until an ad pops out from his computer screen, drawing his attention.

Bad at your academics? Need a tutor? Don't worry, with this website you can find your tutor with the most reasonable price! click in to find out more.

"Sounds like this website is calling for me."

Soonyoung clicked in without thinking twice.

Soonyoung clicked in to the 'maths' tutor category but there's only one tutor available.

"Lee Jihoon, ace in maths and music. Tutoring time 7pm - 10pm every weekday." Soonyoung read the only tutor's profile and decided to write a message to him.

"Hope this works...."


Hi I'm Kwon Soonyoung. 19 years old and i did pretty badly on my maths exam . I'll be very happy if you could be my tutor!

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