• chapter 1 •

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I was thinking about my old school.
I was new.
While holding my books I tried to get to my class. It was Math.
I was rushing down the stairs when I bumped into someone. My notebooks fell out of my hands. Oh no, it was a teddy boy. His hair was kinda slicked back and his jeans were realy tight. He had a leather jacket too.
"Sorry.. I-" I mumbled. I bent down to pick the books up. To my suprise, the boy did the same thing. He helped me pick up my books.
"Thanks.." I  thanked him. He looked at my face.
"You're new here, I'm Paul" the young man said.
"(Y/n)" I said and smiled
"Can you please help me get to my class?"
"Sure, what is it?" He asked.
"Maths" I showed him my timetable.
"Same, we can walk together"
Paul said.
I nodded.
"What brought you here?" He asked as we walked towards the class.
"Nothing special, my father got a better job here and we moved to here" I answered.
"Oh, do you live close to the school?" Paul slowed down.
We were close to the door.
"Pretty close" I paused and brushed my hair away from my face with my hands.
Paul didn't ask anything more.
He looked at me and mumbled
"Tidy" under his breath.
I ignored him.
Paul opened the door and stepped inside first.
"Mccartney, you're late" our teacher shouted from her desk.
"Sorry, Mrs Smith..." Paul didn't finish as I walked in and stood next to Paul.
Mrs Smith stood up from her desk and brought me to the front of the class. Paul walked to his seat, in the back of the class.
  There were at least thirty students.
"Class, this is our new student (y/n) (L/n). She changed schools And please be nice to her!" teacher told the class.
"You can sit next to Mr. Mccartney"
As I walked to my seat, the whole class followed me with their stares. Paul winked at me. I saw few girls angrily looking at me.
The day was stressful. Meeting new teachers, new students.
The lessons ended. Paul promised to wait for me at the school gate, I needed to talk to our teacher.
We talked about 20 minutes and then she let me go.
When I got to the gate where we were supposed to meet I didn't see Paul anywhere.
Maybe he left. I looked around one more time and then I finally saw him.
He was sleeping on a bench next to a nearby park.
I crossed the street and sat down next to him.
Suddenly I got an idea. I took out the toy paper lunch bag. I blowed it up and popped it right next to his ears.
He woke up screaming and then said.
"Bloody hell, (y/n)"
I was laughing.
We walked home.
Turned out we live right next to each other.
He stepped on his front porch and started to unlock the front door.
"Okay, bye (y/n/n), see you tomorrow"
I was suprised of the nickname that Paul gave me. I had to give him one.
"Goodbye, Paulie"


I hope you will like this book.
A lot of things are not from the real life (places, characters& etc)
Sorry for the grammer issues.
Have a great day!
                                    - Author xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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