t w e n t y s i x | To Save Her..

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Siddharth's Point Of View°°°

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Siddharth's Point Of View

I stood feeling devastated. Tears welled up in my eyes. How could she just vanish in thin air?! How on earth?!
As I was thinking about this my phone rang.
"Afraid, are you?", Said a husky voice from across the phone.
"Who are you?!", I shouted in desperation.
"Oh! I love the way you husbands cry when your wives are kidnapped. I've enjoyed doing this all my life..", he said with dark humour in his voice.
"What do you want?! How did you take her from here?!", I was now shouting over the phone.
"Oh shut up, will you? I had given your wife the choice but she chose to be with you and well, now she is facing the consequence.", He said smoothly as I felt a line of rage surge through me.

It was Vinod.

"Wanna hear her before her death?", He asked mockingly as suddenly the shrill cries of a woman could be heard.
"Dare you touch her!", I screamed over the phone as the call disconnected. I threw my phone inside my car in rage.

No. I couldn't let her die all because of me. Whatever our equation may be, she is my wife. I am bound to her.

I immediately got into the car as I wiped off the tears of rage from my cheeks and started driving towards my house. There had to be a way out. The moment I entered I immediately went up to my room and sat on the bed. Looking around feeling completely lost.

Just then I remembered something.
"Even the bad teaches us something good. When you lose a match, you make the path for a victory. Remember your past experiences. Always.", Manav Choudhury had said this when I used to learn boxing. This unnaturally seemed relevant now.

The 'bad' was what Anjali had done to me and of course, that place where Vinod's men had caught hold of us. I immediately stood up as an idea formed in my head. I opened my cupboard and wore something casual quickly. Time was slipping away like sand.
I opened my costly watch and anything that made my look rich. I looked like an ordinary man.

I immediately got out of my house into my car. I picked up my phone that had been thrown on my car's seat.
I immediately called dad.
"Where on earth are you-"
"Dad.", I said trying to sound calm.
He immediately paused. He realised something was wrong.
"Dad, please pick Pihu from school today. I have to go for a very important work. I will give you the details later.", Saying so I hung up the call and immediately drove towards the same road where we had been caught.

I was wearing a hooded t shirt with my old denims.
The location was pretty far as I drove at high speed. The moment I reached it I parked by car by the road and got off. I did not clearly remember where to go but it was nearby. I immediately rushed in towards the bushes. It was somewhere nearby. Just then I saw two men talking to each other while smoking a cigarette. They had guns.

"Sir also has his own ways! He got that girl but he is not letting us touch her also!", Said one of them. Both of them had the rugged look of dacoits or murderers.
"I know that! She's so irresistible..", said the second one thinking of 'her'. I immediately decided on the best and jogged up to them.

"Hello brother!", I said trying to sound like them.
"Hey! Who are you?!", Said the first one when I said trying to sound innocent,
"I'm a new employee here. I have been appointed yesterday only.", I said as she glanced at each other for once.
"Oh okay. What is your name?"
"Punit.", I lied confidently as she nodded approvingly.

"Fine. Come along. Where is your gun?", The second one said as I felt a cold chill down my spine.
"Oh that? Actually I did not meet sir yet. That is the reason.", I hoped to sound confident as they nodded again.
"That is understandable.", The first one said.

"By the way who is that girl-", before I could complete suddenly another man appeared in front of us.
"Both of you! What are you doing here?! Check on that girl!", He said irritably.
"Okay okay. We are going.", The first one said.

"Hey listen.. you have no work, isn't it?", He asked me as I nodded.
"Let him be with her. I'm tired of resisting her.", The first one said as the second one nodded approvingly.
"Listen, go straight you will find a small house. There's a girl. Take care that she doesn't get out of there.", Saying so both of the turned to the other side as I immediately ran towards the house.

I walked in to find Aisha struggling to free herself. Her mouth was tied and her wrists were bleeding because of the thick ropes.  I immediately knelt in front of her. Her face was wet with tears. I immediately removed the cloth on her face.
She looked at me in shock.
"How are you-"
"I'll answer you later.", I said opening her hands quickly.
"Come on, we'll get out of here before they arrive here.", Saying so I lifted her in my arms, the bridal style as she merely stared at me.

I could not risk it. We had to run very fast. I immediately got out of the house and started running towards my car when suddenly I felt a shrill pain on my shoulder from behind.
It was a bullet.
Suddenly everything seemed to go dark. It was so painful as I shut my eyes and continued running blindly.

Aisha held on to me tightly. I felt like I could hear nothing. Suddenly it started feeling like I was losing the focus to run.. it was too painful..


Author's note:
Tada! Another long update! So do you think Aisha and Sid will be able to escape?
Or will Sid be unsuccessful?

Tell me in the comments section..!


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